Quando se trata de usar fragrâncias, o verão é a minha estação favorita. Talvez seja o meu gosto, ou o fato de que eu vivo em um clima quente e seco, mas quando estou em público sob o sol escaldante, eu gostaria muito, MUITO de cheirar fragrâncias de verão. Naqueles dias, os aromas doces podem cheirar muito pegajoso e grosseiro, e os aromas picantes podem cheirar como suor com cominho no calor. Mas aqueles cítricos naturais e florais, oh meu ... AQUELES que podem ser lindos. Aqui estão alguns favoritos que eu gostei no verão de 2017.
Acreditamos no poder transcendente da fragrância para nos conectar ao passado, cativamos o nosso ser para excitar o momento presente e nos ajudar a escrever o futuro. Nossa fundadora, estrategista de perfume e mago de perfume, Christi Meshell, é o "nariz criativo" da cena de fragrâncias de nicho americana. Sua versatilidade, tanto do Diretor Criativo quanto do Fragrance Composer, permite que ela desenvolva sozinha um conceito desde a inspiração inicial, até a coleta de ingredientes raros e a exibição final, a colocação e a catalogação .
Extraido do site da casa.
Uma das maneiras de convencer alguém a se tornar mais aventureiro na perfumaria é dar-lhe uma chance em um estilo de casa que você não conhece bem. Um dos perfumes, que eu tentei e me conquistou para o verão foi da House of Matriarch Albatross , ela tenta isso com o gênero aquático woody. A Sra. Meshell foi inspirada pela área de Salish Sea, no noroeste do Pacífico. Naquela área do mundo, os pinheiros crescem até a costa rochosa, enquanto as margens do pântano cinza e frio do oceano corta a pedra escarpada. Esta zona onde a terra encontra a água é chamada de zona litoral. A Sra. Meshell usa Albatross como uma interpretação literal do litoral do Mar Salish.
O que separa a perfumaria independente da de massa é a capacidade de usar ingredientes incomuns. A Sra. Meshell não coloca o oceano jogando uma tonelada de Calone. Em Albatross é diferente . Seu acorde marinho acentua a salinidade da água do oceano e não o spray de mar quente tão prevalente no gênero aquático. É esse o acorde aquoso frio que abre em Albatroz. Isso então captura os verdes e musgos da costa a com uma mistura de óleo de pinho. Isso tem uma qualidade de madeira acentuada, que é a conjuração perfeita desse meio, enquanto a brisa fria morde um pouco quando você respira profundamente. O albatroz tem uma pegada semelhante dos pinheiros que acompanham a onda ou brisa do acorde marinho. Durante algumas horas, o pinheiro se acentua. O que a Sra. Meshell chama de acorde com o driftwood. O que isso significa é que no início do acorde de pinho é acentuado mas a brisa prevalece litoranea . Nas partes posteriores quando seca, fica salgada e logo desaparece deixando uma versão mais seca e austera do pinheiro.
Um cheiro de mar litoral autentico,fiquei impressionado.
O albatroz captura com precisão essa interseção de salmoura e pinho, literalmente.
Mar Salish é um dos mares continentais maiores e biologicamente ricos do mundo.
O Mar Salish é o ecossistema bi-nacional unificado que inclui o Puget Sound do Estado de Washington, o Estreito de Juan de Fuca e as Ilhas San Juan, bem como as Ilhas do Golfo da Colúmbia Britânica e o Estreito da Geórgia. O nome reconhece e homenageia os primeiros habitantes da região, o Salish da Costa.
Politicamente, o Mar Salish é governado pelos EUA e Canadá, mas o limite internacional que separa a Bacia do Puget Sound (EUA) da Bacia da Geórgia (Canadá) não corresponde a nenhuma barreira ou transição natural. A fronteira é invisível para peixes marinhos e animais selvagens. Espécies listadas como ameaçadas ou em perigo de acordo com a Lei de Espécies Ameaçadas de Substâncias dos Estados Unidos ou a Lei canadense sobre risco de risco, incluindo as baleias assassinas residentes no sul (Orcinus orca), os murrelets marmorizados (Brachyramphus marmoratus) e algumas unidades ecologicamente significativas ou espécies de salmão do Pacífico (Onchorynchus spp .), atravessar o limite diariamente. Processos oceanográficos como influxos de água doce e correntes de superfície conduzidas pelo vento trocam biotas, sedimentos e nutrientes em todo o ecossistema maior.
5 pergaminhos.

TOP 6 SUMMER FOR BRAZIL by Menestrel 1st House of Matriarch Albatross "BOTTLED COASTAL."

We believe in the transcendent power of fragrance to connect with the past, we captivate our being to excite the present moment and help us write the future. Our founder, perfume strategist and perfume magician, Christi Meshell, is the "creative nose" of the American niche fragrance scene. Its versatility, both the Creative Director and the Fragrance Composer, allows it to develop a concept from its initial inspiration to the collection of rare ingredients and final exhibition, placement and cataloging.
Extracted from the house website.
One of the ways to convince someone to become more adventurous in the perfumery is to give you a chance on a home style that you do not know well. One of the perfumes, which I tried and conquered me for the summer was from the House of Matriarch Albatross, she tries this with the woody watery genre. Mrs. Meshell was inspired by the Salish Sea area in the Pacific Northwest. In that area of the world, the pine trees grow to the rocky shore, while the shores of the gray and cold swamp of the ocean cut the steep rock. This zone where the land meets the water is called the coastal zone. Mrs. Meshell uses Albatross as a literal interpretation of the coast of the Salish Sea.
What separates independent perfume from mass is the ability to use unusual ingredients. Mrs. Meshell does not lay the ocean throwing a ton of Calone. In Albatross it's different. Its marine chord accentuates the salinity of ocean water and not the hot sea spray so prevalent in the aquatic genre. This is the cold watery chord that opens in Albatroz. This then captures the greens and mosses of the coast with a mixture of pine oil. This has a sharp wood quality, which is the perfect conjuring of this medium, while the cool breeze bites a little when you breathe deeply. The albatross has a similar footprint of the pines that accompany the wave or breeze from the marine chord. For a few hours, the pine tree grows accentuated. What Mrs. Meshell calls the chord with the driftwood. What this means is that at the beginning of the pine chord it is accentuated but the breeze prevails littoral. In the later parts when it dries, it becomes salty and soon disappears leaving a more dry and austere version of the pine.
A scent of authentic seaside, I was impressed.
The albatross accurately captures this intersection of brine and pine, literally.

Sea Salish is one of the largest and biologically rich continental seas in the world.
The Salish Sea is the unified bi-national ecosystem that includes the Puget Sound of Washington State, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the San Juan Islands, as well as the Gulf Islands of British Columbia and the Strait of Georgia. The name recognizes and honors the first inhabitants of the region, the Salish of the Coast.
Politically, the Salish Sea is governed by the US and Canada, but the international boundary separating the Puget Sound Basin (USA) from the Georgia Basin (Canada) does not correspond to any natural barrier or transition. The border is invisible to marine fish and wildlife. Species listed as endangered or endangered under the US Substance-Related Species Act or the Canadian Risk Act, including resident killer whales in the south (Orcinus orca), marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) and some ecologically significant units or species of Pacific salmon (Onchorynchus spp.), cross the border daily. Oceanographic processes such as freshwater inflows and wind-borne surface currents exchange biota, sediment, and nutrients throughout the larger ecosystem.
5 scrolls.

TOP 6 SUMMER FOR BRAZIL by Menestrel 1st House of Matriarch Albatross "BOTTLED COASTAL."

We believe in the transcendent power of fragrance to connect with the past, we captivate our being to excite the present moment and help us write the future. Our founder, perfume strategist and perfume magician, Christi Meshell, is the "creative nose" of the American niche fragrance scene. Its versatility, both the Creative Director and the Fragrance Composer, allows it to develop a concept from its initial inspiration to the collection of rare ingredients and final exhibition, placement and cataloging.
Extracted from the house website.
One of the ways to convince someone to become more adventurous in the perfumery is to give you a chance on a home style that you do not know well. One of the perfumes, which I tried and conquered me for the summer was from the House of Matriarch Albatross, she tries this with the woody watery genre. Mrs. Meshell was inspired by the Salish Sea area in the Pacific Northwest. In that area of the world, the pine trees grow to the rocky shore, while the shores of the gray and cold swamp of the ocean cut the steep rock. This zone where the land meets the water is called the coastal zone. Mrs. Meshell uses Albatross as a literal interpretation of the coast of the Salish Sea.
What separates independent perfume from mass is the ability to use unusual ingredients. Mrs. Meshell does not lay the ocean throwing a ton of Calone. In Albatross it's different. Its marine chord accentuates the salinity of ocean water and not the hot sea spray so prevalent in the aquatic genre. This is the cold watery chord that opens in Albatroz. This then captures the greens and mosses of the coast with a mixture of pine oil. This has a sharp wood quality, which is the perfect conjuring of this medium, while the cool breeze bites a little when you breathe deeply. The albatross has a similar footprint of the pines that accompany the wave or breeze from the marine chord. For a few hours, the pine tree grows accentuated. What Mrs. Meshell calls the chord with the driftwood. What this means is that at the beginning of the pine chord it is accentuated but the breeze prevails littoral. In the later parts when it dries, it becomes salty and soon disappears leaving a more dry and austere version of the pine.
A scent of authentic seaside, I was impressed.
The albatross accurately captures this intersection of brine and pine, literally.

Sea Salish is one of the largest and biologically rich continental seas in the world.
The Salish Sea is the unified bi-national ecosystem that includes the Puget Sound of Washington State, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the San Juan Islands, as well as the Gulf Islands of British Columbia and the Strait of Georgia. The name recognizes and honors the first inhabitants of the region, the Salish of the Coast.
Politically, the Salish Sea is governed by the US and Canada, but the international boundary separating the Puget Sound Basin (USA) from the Georgia Basin (Canada) does not correspond to any natural barrier or transition. The border is invisible to marine fish and wildlife. Species listed as endangered or endangered under the US Substance-Related Species Act or the Canadian Risk Act, including resident killer whales in the south (Orcinus orca), marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) and some ecologically significant units or species of Pacific salmon (Onchorynchus spp.), cross the border daily. Oceanographic processes such as freshwater inflows and wind-borne surface currents exchange biota, sediment, and nutrients throughout the larger ecosystem.
5 scrolls.
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