As florestas americanas de coníferas podem não ser as mais ricas em vida animal ,mais suas árvores são EXTRAORDINÁRIAS!
Essa sequóia gigante parente da sequóia canadense é o maior ser vivo da terra, batizado de general sherman tem o peso de dez baleias azuis.Imponente assim como Norne com seus absolutos florestais.
Norne consiste pura e exclusivamente em absolutos naturais, uma forma muito mais forte do que os óleos essenciais. A julgar novamente pelo que está na minha pele, um daqueles absolutos, os musgos, tem sido usado em sua forma mais escura e em quantidades particularmente cavalares também.
Embora em algumas resenhas estrangeiras vejo alusão a conto de fadas ou algo místico da casa Slumberhouse,não entra em minha mente tal viagem olfativa,é algo muito mais revelador que sequer comparo a uma viagem cineasta com elfos,ogros etc,como em Carnal Flower FM ,a coisa tuberosa tem vida própria,aqui me deparo com a mesma proposta ,que entrega sem rodeios ,o que veio entregar:absolutos florestais,prático e direto.
Como Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777 não "entrega" todas as notas e apenas faz um resumo para que o utente sinta e faça sua viagem sem regras,acredito que Josh é adepto a mesma cultura,consigo sentir outras notas e acordes ,sem mesmo basenotes ou fragantica terem citados.
Norne está longe de ser uma fragrância natural típica, e com a primeira explosão poderosa de abeto resinoso e fresco que começo minha jornada, está confirmado. À medida que o aroma se desenvolve, emergem outros elementos arborizados profundamente complexos: musgo verde, fungo terrestre, névoa e um toque de incenso ligeiramente doce que evoca imagens de uma fogueira rugindo atravessando o ar úmido da floresta. Embora a clareza e a força dessas notas sejam quase difíceis de acreditar, a explicação é simples: Norne é feita com 100% de absolutos florestais, notas de agulha de névoa, líquen, samambaia e musgo abaixo de um dossel de abeto e cicuta, todos misturados em uma fragrância de resinas acinzentadas com coníferas incensadas. Jeke é mais fumaça ,"menas florestas",Norne é mais floresta e uma pequena sugestão de fumaça e pronto.
Jeke apenas me dominou ... não me interpretem mal, o conceito de fumaça e névoa no crepúsculo é incrível e as notas são montadas com muito cuidado.

5 pergaminhos
Series Extracting the Brightness of Stars: Norne Slumberhouse "THE FOREST HOW YOU NEVER SAW."

The Slumberhouse world is a parallel universe, something so intriguing that after my first contact with Jeke I had to delve into this house, I could not resist the talents of Mr. Josh, the proposal, the revelation of materials, performance, are intelligent perfumes, who do not weave the background, but are explicit and literally deliver on their "face" what they came to do, and with Norne is no different.
American conifer forests may not be the richest in animal life, but their trees are EXTRAORDINARY!
This giant redwood relative of the Canadian Redwood is the largest living being on earth, dubbed General Sherman has the weight of ten blue whales.Imponente just like Norne with his absolute forest.
Few places on earth surpass the distance between the terrestrial and the supernatural, like the forests of the Pacific Northwest. Famous for old trees of great growth, shrouded in mist and deciduous shade, these forests represent the few remaining places where the dominion of humanity over the planet is far from absolute and the wisdom of nature still replaces the past concerns of civilization. With Norne, Slumberhouse aims to capture the essence of this mystical place, and the results are nothing short of extraordinary.

Norne consists purely and exclusively of natural absolutes, a much stronger form than the essential oils. Judging again by what is on my skin, one of those absolutes, the mosses, has been used in its darker form and in particularly cavalary quantities as well.
Norne is made with 100% absolute forest, a complicated and costly process that avoids synthetic and essential oils in favor of natural and powerful ingredients. The result is an unprecedented fragrance of power and depth, entirely suited to your subject.
Although in some foreign reviews I see allusion to a fairy tale or something mystical of the Slumberhouse house, it does not enter my mind such an olfactory journey, it is something much more revealing than I even compare to a filmmaker trip with elves, ogres etc, as in Carnal Flower FM , the tuberous thing has a life of its own, here I come across the same proposal, which is delivered in a straightforward manner, what it has delivered: absolute forest, practical and direct.
As Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777 does not "deliver" all the notes and only makes a summary so that the user feels and makes his trip without rules, I believe that Josh is adept in the same culture, I can feel other notes and chords without even basenotes or fragrances have quoted.

Norne is far from being a typical natural fragrance, and with the first powerful explosion of resinous and fresh fir that I begin my journey, is confirmed. As the scent develops, other deeply complex leafy elements emerge: green moss, earthy fungus, mist and a touch of slightly sweet incense that evokes images of a roaring fire through the moist forest air. Although the clarity and strength of these notes are almost hard to believe, the explanation is simple: Norne is made with 100% absolute forest, needle notes of mist, lichen, fern and moss under a canopy of spruce and hemlock, all mixed in a fragrance of greyish resins with incandescent conifers. Jeke is more smoky, "ores forests", Norne is more forest and a small suggestion of smoke and ready.

Jeke just dominated me ... do not get me wrong, the concept of smoke and fog in the twilight is incredible and the notes are assembled very carefully.

There are times when Norne gets on the skin, breathing, when I wonder if I really can use it? But inexorably, as the dryness pulls him down, Norne is veiled and depressed, crossing his senses like morning mist at the tips of leaves on insect wings. I lay in the dark with it's sticky and green on my skin, I could feel it as a presence in the dark. My mind wandered, I smelled of a wooden hut left to oblivion in the forest, walls falling on the forest floor, muddy dust and burning pine. It haunts the senses. I have not got something from this vanguard in ages ... scary for years.

5 scrolls
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