"A MAJESTADE DE OMAN" "Por milhares de anos, o Sultanato de Omã foi celebrado por produzir o melhor incenso do mundo. Eu dedico essa criação a Sua Majestade o Sultão e a fragrância e lenda que cresce em seu reino. "- Roja Dove .
Sultanato de Omã tem essencialmente quatro fases na minha pele. O breve estágio de abertura mista apresenta muitas das notas listadas acima antes da fragrância transições rápidas para se transformar em um oud floral. Muda gradualmente o foco para enfatizar a nota de incenso da assinatura, em camadas com oud e outras madeiras, durante seu longo estágio principal. Nas últimas horas, a fragrância se transforma em uma fragrância de incenso simples com um toque de âmbar, e calor dourado.
Sultanato de Omã abre na minha pele com plumas prateadas de fumaça de incenso cercadas por camadas pesadas de resina de elemi que cheira limão , acima de tudo, pimenta. A dupla central é manchada com uma pasta espessa de cenouras frescas, depois decorada com bonecos de toranja nítida, laranja pegajosa e framboesas frutadas. O jasmim , algumas pétalas de rosa pálidas e cor-de-rosa, um punhado de açafrão, e uma pitada de verde de musgo de carvalho encontram-se nas bordas. A base consiste em múltiplos tipos de madeira com cedro seco, guaiac esfumaçado e terra com oud sendo as notas mais claras. Quando tomado como um todo e também quando cheirava de longe, o ramo é principalmente centrado em um dueto de incenso e pimentão, limão e elemi, infundido com citrinos crocantes, refrescantes, brilhantes e doces, em seguida, toques silenciosos de florais xarope e secos, esfumaçados madeiras. Quando cheiras de perto, as cenouras são muito visíveis, os florais se separam em suas diferentes partes e são fortes o suficiente para abafar os citrinos, enquanto o oud domina seus companheiros lenhosos na base.
O resultado final parece perfumes da velha escola, estilo Amouage, exceto por uma coisa: o sultanato de Omã é extremamente doce na minha pele. O jasmim é como um mel puro, e sua doçura é ampliada ainda mais pela framboesa pegajosa, a laranja açucarada e a rosa igualmente sinistro.Aproximadamente 15 minutos, o nível de doçura aumenta tão exponencialmente que dilui os aromas fresco, , aromático, balsâmico e lemônico da dupla de incenso. A menos de 25 minutos, os últimos estão engolfados até o ponto de serem apenas marcas finas dentro de uma nuvem grossa, pesada e imensamente pegajosa de florais frutados dominados pela rosa gelada e o jasmim melado e açucarado. Ao mesmo tempo, as madeiras se levantam da base e se fundem com os florais. A cenoura e a frescura desaparecem, a toranja é uma mera pancada no radar.
Este é provavelmente o perfume de incenso mais espetacular que já cheirei. A primeira explosão é extremamente forte e orgásmica, a combinação de rosa e incenso é incrivelmente linda, essa combinação dura por algumas horas e, à medida que o cheiro seca, torna-se mais seco e ardilhável, possivelmente pelo amyris bonito, o que dá a fragrância geral um toque suave cremoso para isso. Embora a secagem se torne muito mais suave, permanece sem dúvida inconstante a resina que permanece fiel à natureza do incenso. O Sultanato de Omã é mais uma criação da Roja Dove que mostra o quão magistral é esse perfumista.

Series Extracting the Brightness of Stars: Sultanate Of Oman by Roja Dove "MAGNIFYING"
Series Extracting the Brightness of Stars: Sultanate Of Oman by Roja Dove "MAGNIFYING"
"THE MAJESTY OF OMAN" "For thousands of years, the Sultanate of Oman was celebrated for producing the best incense in the world. I dedicate this creation to His Majesty the Sultan and the fragrance and legend that grows in his kingdom." - Red Dove .

Sultanate of Oman has essentially four phases on my skin. The brief stage of mixed opening features many of the notes listed above before the fragrance transitions quickly to turn into a floral oud. Gradually shifts the focus to emphasize the signature incense note, layered with oud and other woods, during its long main stage. In the last hours, the fragrance turns into a simple incense fragrance with a hint of amber, and golden heat.
Sultanate of Oman opens on my skin with silvery plumes of incense smoke surrounded by heavy layers of elemi resin that smells of lemon, above all, pepper. The central pair is stained with a thick paste of fresh carrots, then decorated with dolls of crisp grapefruit, sticky orange and fruity raspberries. Jasmine, a few pale pink petals of rose, a handful of saffron, and a hint of oak-moss green meet at the edges. The base consists of multiple types of wood with dry cedar, smoky guaiac and earth with oud being the clearest notes. When taken as a whole and also when it smelled from afar, the branch is mainly centered on a duet of incense and chili, lemon and elemi, infused with crunchy, refreshing, bright and sweet citrus fruits, then muted touches of floral syrup and dried , smoky woods. When you smell closely, the carrots are very visible, the florals separate in their different parts and are strong enough to drown citrus, while the oud dominates its woody companions at the base.

The end result looks like old-school perfumes, Amouage style, except for one thing: the Sultanate of Oman is extremely sweet on my skin. Jasmine is like pure honey, and its sweetness is further enhanced by sticky raspberry, sugared orange and equally sinister rose. Approximately 15 minutes, the level of sweetness increases so exponentially that it dilutes the fresh, aromatic, balsamic and aromatic aromas. of the incense pair. Within less than 25 minutes, the latter are engulfed to the point of being only thin marks within a thick, heavy, and immensely sticky cloud of fruity floral dominated by icy rose and sugary, sugary jasmine. At the same time, the woods rise from the base and fuse with the florals. The carrot and the freshness disappear, the grapefruit is a mere blow on the radar.

This is probably the most spectacular incense scent I have ever smelled. The first explosion is extremely strong and orgasmic, the combination of rose and frankincense is incredibly beautiful, this combination lasts for a few hours and, as the scent dries, it becomes drier and more rusty, possibly by the beautiful amyris, which gives the overall fragrance a soft creamy touch to it. Although the drying becomes much milder, the resin that remains faithful to the nature of the incense remains undoubtedly inconstant. The Sultanate of Oman is another creation of the Red Dove that shows how masterful this perfumer is.

Sultanate of Oman has essentially four phases on my skin. The brief stage of mixed opening features many of the notes listed above before the fragrance transitions quickly to turn into a floral oud. Gradually shifts the focus to emphasize the signature incense note, layered with oud and other woods, during its long main stage. In the last hours, the fragrance turns into a simple incense fragrance with a hint of amber, and golden heat.
Sultanate of Oman opens on my skin with silvery plumes of incense smoke surrounded by heavy layers of elemi resin that smells of lemon, above all, pepper. The central pair is stained with a thick paste of fresh carrots, then decorated with dolls of crisp grapefruit, sticky orange and fruity raspberries. Jasmine, a few pale pink petals of rose, a handful of saffron, and a hint of oak-moss green meet at the edges. The base consists of multiple types of wood with dry cedar, smoky guaiac and earth with oud being the clearest notes. When taken as a whole and also when it smelled from afar, the branch is mainly centered on a duet of incense and chili, lemon and elemi, infused with crunchy, refreshing, bright and sweet citrus fruits, then muted touches of floral syrup and dried , smoky woods. When you smell closely, the carrots are very visible, the florals separate in their different parts and are strong enough to drown citrus, while the oud dominates its woody companions at the base.

The end result looks like old-school perfumes, Amouage style, except for one thing: the Sultanate of Oman is extremely sweet on my skin. Jasmine is like pure honey, and its sweetness is further enhanced by sticky raspberry, sugared orange and equally sinister rose. Approximately 15 minutes, the level of sweetness increases so exponentially that it dilutes the fresh, aromatic, balsamic and aromatic aromas. of the incense pair. Within less than 25 minutes, the latter are engulfed to the point of being only thin marks within a thick, heavy, and immensely sticky cloud of fruity floral dominated by icy rose and sugary, sugary jasmine. At the same time, the woods rise from the base and fuse with the florals. The carrot and the freshness disappear, the grapefruit is a mere blow on the radar.

This is probably the most spectacular incense scent I have ever smelled. The first explosion is extremely strong and orgasmic, the combination of rose and frankincense is incredibly beautiful, this combination lasts for a few hours and, as the scent dries, it becomes drier and more rusty, possibly by the beautiful amyris, which gives the overall fragrance a soft creamy touch to it. Although the drying becomes much milder, the resin that remains faithful to the nature of the incense remains undoubtedly inconstant. The Sultanate of Oman is another creation of the Red Dove that shows how masterful this perfumer is.

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