Rose De Petra Eau de Parfum por Stephane Humbert Lucas 777 Série Descortinando o Ateliê de Stéphane;5º decifrando o código 777 :
Esta fragrância não é uma mulher, mas a antiga cidade de rock da Jordânia.Depois de uma longa jornada, finalmente chegamos na cidade, que já foi esculpida em rocha e é Património Mundial da UNESCO.

Se você está procurando o perfume rosa do Santo Graal, você pode parar aqui. Esta é simplesmente a mais perfeita, profunda e requintada mistura de rosas na Terra. Tudo em grande comparação.
Aqui, mais uma vez, vemos a necessidade do compromisso intransigente de Lucas com ingredientes de alta qualidade, pois a fórmula enganosamente simples de Rose de Petra desmente uma incrível integridade que não teríamos pensado que seria possível ler as notas sozinhas. Como uma cidade totalmente irrigada, esculpida em uma montanha no meio do deserto, Rose de Petra é uma obra-prima da construção que o derrubará com sua beleza.
5 Pergaminhos.

"Magic potion of the Bulgarian rose, red epithet, sensual and sharp at the same time"
This fragrance is not a woman but the old rock city of Jordan. After a long journey, we finally arrived in the city, which was once carved in rock and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Mr. Lucas said that he tried to make a fragrance that would show contrasts. The fruitfulness and joy of the Bulgarian rose; the heat, the spices, and the mystery of the desert; the sandy beauty of the "Rose du Sables" or the desert rose; and the carved stone of Petra. He wanted a composition that was "hot and froid," hot and cold, with little touches of various mosses and fresh "green" cedar counterbalanced by fiery spices, Peru's rich balm, dark leather, and smoked strains.

A dazzling floral that honors the two halves of its namesake with a rose of equal parts, refreshingly natural and sumptuously mysterious.

I like Rose of Petra is like a trip through an old stone canyon, with wild roses in full bloom that sprout from every crack in the rock. What begins as a simple and beautiful journey opens to the mystery and wonder - that clean and bright rose that I smelled is not a simple note, but an intense rose oxide given the body and purse delicious of pomegranate and lychee.

If you are looking for the pink perfume of the Holy Grail, you can stop here. This is simply the most perfect, deep and exquisite mix of roses on Earth. All in great comparison.
Here again we see the need for Luke's uncompromising commitment to high-quality ingredients, as Rose's deceptively simple formula degrades incredible integrity that we would not have thought it possible to read the notes alone. As a fully irrigated city, carved into a mountain in the middle of the desert, Rose of Petra is a masterpiece of construction that will bring you down with its beauty.
5 Scrolls.
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