Panthea Eau de Parfum por Stephane Humbert Lucas 777 Série Descortinando o Ateliê de Stéphane; 4º decifrando o código 777 :
Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777 ⋅ Panthea
Eau de Parfum ⋅
"Panthea é a deusa de todas as coisas - puro, branco e místico"
Esta fragrância também consiste em ingredientes brancos: flores brancas, incluindo dois tipos de jasmim, bem como íris, sândalo, chá branco, almíscar branco e patchouli. A fragrância apresenta inicialmente uma nota cítrica e depois se aprofunda em uma sedução sutil e elegante.
Pathea abre com uma sensação energética de frescura, equilibrando a suculenta suculência do tangerina contra o brilho da pimenta rosa com um chá branco brilhantemente liso que fornece um pano de fundo prístino. O coração da íris tem muitos caracteres florais em pó, mas também uma suavidade que evita tons de raízes ou terra em favor de deliciosas flores brancas e muskiness. Um delicado equilíbrio de madeiras leves, tonka e patchouli emprestam longevidade sem granel, o perfume é sem peso por toda parte. Passe um dia nas nuvens com Panthea - duvido que você queira voltar para a Terra.
Panthea abre na minha pele com uma bergamota viva, gelada e limonada dentro de uma nuvem de jasmim. Para mim, não cheira como jasmim real, mas sim, hedione , um material fresco, limpo, legal, lemony, perfumado com jasmim, muito amado por Jean-Claude Ellena por sua limpeza e frescura verde-tingidas.Na verdade, eu apostaria dinheiro que Panthea tem alguma hedione nele, se não muito. A hedione é parcialmente responsável pelas manchas de verde dentro da nuvem floral de Panthea, mas também aposto que a folha violeta também desempenha um papel.
Outras notas seguem o exemplo. Há as frutas geladas, ligeiramente picante e frutadas de grãos de pimenta cor de rosa, e pequenas folhas de um violeta em pó, um pouco de batom, bem como o verde mais limão de uma nota de folha violeta e bastante penetrante. As três coisas são menores em comparação com os aromas limpos, frios, pedregosos e imensamente ensaboáveis de íris que explodem no centro do palco após apenas um minuto ou dois. Torna-se uma parte central do buquê, enrolado em torno da nítida, limão "jasmim" / hedione e a bergamota branda como os impulsos de direção do bouquet de abertura de Panthea. Acabar com coisas são algumas poucas fatias de madeira vaga e de sândalo e, em seguida, um cobertor espesso de lavanda com almíscar branco limpo.
Quando cheirava de longe, Panthea assemelha-se fortemente a um sabão floral caro combinado com um caro shampoo floral-cítrico, algumas gotas de doçura indeterminada de baga vermelha e uma cintilação de madeira ondulada indeterminada.

"O mais bonito floral fresco que me lembra o sabão mais luxuoso já criado. Isso não é nada ruim. "Se você quer sentir o mesmo, experimente o Panthea para si mesmo.
4 pergaminhos.
Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777 ⋅ Panthea
Eau de parfum
"Panthea is the goddess of all things - pure, white and mystic"
This fragrance also consists of white ingredients: white flowers including two types of jasmine, as well as iris, sandalwood, white tea, white musk and patchouli. The fragrance initially presents a citrus note and then delves into a subtle and elegant seduction.

do you imagine the smell of heaven? Forget the specificity of religion and focus only on the general concept: a paradise of white pearly above the clouds, clean and engaging, mysterious and sublimately happy. This is the aroma of Panthea, a cool, feminine, iris-inspired addition to the 777 series, imbued with a near-transcendent sense of grace.

The Panthea is definitely a well-made, very beautiful fragrance, and Stephen Humbert Lucas clearly has skill but I do not know how he got the scent he got here with the listed ingredients. He can be the master of abstraction.

Pathea opens with an energetic sense of freshness, balancing juicy tangerine juiciness against the glow of pink pepper with a brilliantly smooth white tea that provides a pristine backdrop. The heart of the iris has many floral characters in powder but also a softness that prevents tones of roots or earth in favor of delicious white flowers and muskiness. A delicate balance of light woods, tonka and patchouli lend longevity without bulk, the scent is weightless everywhere. Spend a day in the clouds with Panthea - I doubt you want to return to Earth.
Panthea opens on my skin with a bergamot alive, chilled and lemonade inside a cloud of jasmine. For me, it does not smell like real jasmine, but rather, hedione, a fresh, clean, cool, lemony, fragrant with jasmine, much loved by Jean-Claude Ellena for its clean and crisp greenness.In fact, I would bet money that Panthea has some hedione in it, if not a lot. The hedione is partly responsible for the patches of green within the floral cloud of Panthea, but I also bet that the violet leaf also plays a role.

Other notes follow suit. There are the frosty, slightly spicy and fruity fruits of pink peppercorns, and small leaves of a violet powder, a little lipstick as well as the lime green of a violet note and quite penetrating. The three things are smaller compared to the clean, cold, stony, and immensely soothed scents of irises that explode in the center of the stage after only a minute or two. It becomes a central part of the bouquet, wrapped around the crisp, jasmine / hedione lemon and the bergamot bland as the direction pulses of the panthea opening bouquet. Do away with things are a few slices of waxy wood and sandalwood and then a thick blanket of lavender with clean white musk.
When smelled from afar, Panthea resembles heavily an expensive floral soap combined with an expensive floral-citrus shampoo, a few drops of indeterminate sweetness of red berry, and an indeterminate undulating wood scintillation.
"The most beautiful fresh floral that reminds me of the most luxurious soap ever created, that's not bad at all." If you want to feel the same, try Panthea for yourself.
4 scrolls.
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Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777 ⋅ Panthea
Eau de parfum
"Panthea is the goddess of all things - pure, white and mystic"
This fragrance also consists of white ingredients: white flowers including two types of jasmine, as well as iris, sandalwood, white tea, white musk and patchouli. The fragrance initially presents a citrus note and then delves into a subtle and elegant seduction.

do you imagine the smell of heaven? Forget the specificity of religion and focus only on the general concept: a paradise of white pearly above the clouds, clean and engaging, mysterious and sublimately happy. This is the aroma of Panthea, a cool, feminine, iris-inspired addition to the 777 series, imbued with a near-transcendent sense of grace.

The Panthea is definitely a well-made, very beautiful fragrance, and Stephen Humbert Lucas clearly has skill but I do not know how he got the scent he got here with the listed ingredients. He can be the master of abstraction.

Pathea opens with an energetic sense of freshness, balancing juicy tangerine juiciness against the glow of pink pepper with a brilliantly smooth white tea that provides a pristine backdrop. The heart of the iris has many floral characters in powder but also a softness that prevents tones of roots or earth in favor of delicious white flowers and muskiness. A delicate balance of light woods, tonka and patchouli lend longevity without bulk, the scent is weightless everywhere. Spend a day in the clouds with Panthea - I doubt you want to return to Earth.
Panthea opens on my skin with a bergamot alive, chilled and lemonade inside a cloud of jasmine. For me, it does not smell like real jasmine, but rather, hedione, a fresh, clean, cool, lemony, fragrant with jasmine, much loved by Jean-Claude Ellena for its clean and crisp greenness.In fact, I would bet money that Panthea has some hedione in it, if not a lot. The hedione is partly responsible for the patches of green within the floral cloud of Panthea, but I also bet that the violet leaf also plays a role.

Other notes follow suit. There are the frosty, slightly spicy and fruity fruits of pink peppercorns, and small leaves of a violet powder, a little lipstick as well as the lime green of a violet note and quite penetrating. The three things are smaller compared to the clean, cold, stony, and immensely soothed scents of irises that explode in the center of the stage after only a minute or two. It becomes a central part of the bouquet, wrapped around the crisp, jasmine / hedione lemon and the bergamot bland as the direction pulses of the panthea opening bouquet. Do away with things are a few slices of waxy wood and sandalwood and then a thick blanket of lavender with clean white musk.
When smelled from afar, Panthea resembles heavily an expensive floral soap combined with an expensive floral-citrus shampoo, a few drops of indeterminate sweetness of red berry, and an indeterminate undulating wood scintillation.
"The most beautiful fresh floral that reminds me of the most luxurious soap ever created, that's not bad at all." If you want to feel the same, try Panthea for yourself.
4 scrolls.
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