United Arab Emirates Spirit Of The Union de Roja Dove Série Extraindo o Brilho das Estrelas CAPITULO FINAL " ESTONTEANTE"
Roja Dove é um apaixonado pelo Oriente Médio,um aficionado!e o mais gostoso dessa paixão é que a recíproca é a mesma,os árabes o amam.
Todos sabem da minha paixão por essa casa,a cada vez que me mandam uma amostra,ou um frasco fico mais surpreso e mais apaixonado,alguns críticos podem talvez julgar e dizer que não vale o preço,o gostoso desse Hoby é a multiforme geração de opiniões,e cada um respeitar seus gostos .Um grande abraço.
Emirados Árabes Unidos Spirit of The Union, ou Emirados Árabes Unidos, para abreviar, é a carta de amor de Roja Dove para o povo do Oriente Médio que se afundam com alegria nas fragrâncias mais ricas e luxuosas. Para um sensualista como Roja Dove, estes são os seus animais espirituais - os homens sem medo de vestir as fragrâncias rosadas e mais cremosas, e as mulheres que orgulhosamente usavam o mais animálico nelas.
UAE Aoud presta homenagem a esse gosto por exuberância e luxo ao carregar as matérias-primas mais suntuosas do mundo - as melhores Rosa de Taifi, o Oud do laos mais refinado e os mais finos absolutos florais e concretos disponíveis neste lado de Grasse . Apoiado por uma mistura cremosa de flores brancas e amarelas, como jasmim, gardenia e ylang, uma rosa Taifi brilhante e pura sai, claramente a soprano de alta cobrança.
A nota de couro e animal é afiada por uma corrente subterrânea de civet, mas enterrada profundamente o suficiente em uma nuvem de benjoin e especiarias para suavizar seu impacto. As rosas, as flores brancas e a civeta cremosa se juntam sobre uma camada densa e esfumaçada de resinas, bosques e oud, criando um halo cintilante e sensual de aroma.
5 Pergaminhos

Series Extracting the Brightness of Stars FINAL CHAPTER United Arab Emirates Spirit Of The Union Of Red Dove "STANDING"
Roja Dove is passionate about the Middle East, an amateur! And the hottest thing about this passion is that the reciprocal is the same, the Arabs love it.
Everyone knows of my passion for this house, every time they send me a sample, or a bottle I am more surprised and more passionate, some critics may perhaps judge and say that it is not worth the price, the goodness of this Hoby is the multiform generation of opinions, and each one respect their tastes. A big hug.

United Arab Emirates Spirit of The Union, or United Arab Emirates, for short, is the love letter of Roja Dove for the people of the Middle East who sank with joy in the richest and most luxurious fragrances. To a sensualist like Red Dove, these are her spiritual animals - men who are not afraid to wear the creamy, rosy fragrances, and the women who proudly wore the most animaly in them.
UAE Aoud pays tribute to this taste for exuberance and luxury by carrying the world's most sumptuous raw materials - the finest Rose of Taifi, the most refined Oud of laos and the finest floral and concrete absolutes available on this side of Grasse. Supported by a creamy blend of white and yellow flowers, such as jasmine, gardenia and ylang, a bright and pure Taifi pink leaves, clearly the high-ranking soprano.
The leather and animal note is honed by an underground civet current, but buried deep enough in a cloud of benjoin and spices to soften its impact. Roses, white flowers and creamy civet gather on a dense and smoky layer of resins, woods and oud, creating a scintillating and sensual halo of aroma.
This to me, encapsulates the Middle East in a bottle. I've tried the other perfumes from the Middle East and they just do not do it for me.
5 Scrolls

Series Extracting the Brightness of Stars FINAL CHAPTER United Arab Emirates Spirit Of The Union Of Red Dove "STANDING"
Roja Dove is passionate about the Middle East, an amateur! And the hottest thing about this passion is that the reciprocal is the same, the Arabs love it.
Everyone knows of my passion for this house, every time they send me a sample, or a bottle I am more surprised and more passionate, some critics may perhaps judge and say that it is not worth the price, the goodness of this Hoby is the multiform generation of opinions, and each one respect their tastes. A big hug.

United Arab Emirates Spirit of The Union, or United Arab Emirates, for short, is the love letter of Roja Dove for the people of the Middle East who sank with joy in the richest and most luxurious fragrances. To a sensualist like Red Dove, these are her spiritual animals - men who are not afraid to wear the creamy, rosy fragrances, and the women who proudly wore the most animaly in them.
UAE Aoud pays tribute to this taste for exuberance and luxury by carrying the world's most sumptuous raw materials - the finest Rose of Taifi, the most refined Oud of laos and the finest floral and concrete absolutes available on this side of Grasse. Supported by a creamy blend of white and yellow flowers, such as jasmine, gardenia and ylang, a bright and pure Taifi pink leaves, clearly the high-ranking soprano.
The leather and animal note is honed by an underground civet current, but buried deep enough in a cloud of benjoin and spices to soften its impact. Roses, white flowers and creamy civet gather on a dense and smoky layer of resins, woods and oud, creating a scintillating and sensual halo of aroma.
This to me, encapsulates the Middle East in a bottle. I've tried the other perfumes from the Middle East and they just do not do it for me.
5 Scrolls
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