A cada viagem que faço, sempre reservo algumas horas ou dias ao estudo. Numa ocasião, estava de férias em Nova York e fiquei sabendo que Kilian Hennessy (neto do fundador dos cognacs e um dos principais perfumistas da atualidade) estaria em Boston. Pude conversar pessoalmente com ele, ganhei vários perfumes e aprendi que, além de criar uma boa fragrância, o segredo está na administração e no marketing do produto. Também já participei de exposições de frascos e propagandas em Montreal, me apaixonei pelo Spa da Guerlain em Paris e fiz diversos tours perfumísticos por aí afora. Passar uma tarde na Jovoy em Paris, na Les Senteurs em Londres, MiN New York Apothecary em NYC ou mesmo na LuckyScent em Los Angeles… é uma imensa realização.
"As fragrâncias que realmente capturam sua essência são muito mais raras. Sel Marin está em uma classe própria, uma fragrância de ar natural suave, salgada e transparente que realmente evoca a liberdade que seus perfumes imitadores só podem sonhar. Um clássico."
Sel Marin captura perfeitamente um dia do início do verão em uma enseada silenciosa, um lugar ausente de todos os cheiros e distrações de oleo tropical frutado, quando a única coisa a se concentrar é a água refrescante, a areia macia e o ar salgado do mar . Uma nota fugaz de limão abre este perfume apenas para ser ultrapassado por um vento gentil que traz dicas do bosque que se erguem acima dos penhascos do mar. As estradas de cedro e vidoeiro secam no sol ardente enquanto o vetiver e as algas misturam a terra e o oceano. Sem esforço e relaxante, Sel Marin é a cura perfeita para um dia chuvoso e um complemento natural para um dia passado a andar na areia.
DENIS PAGANI em seu site 1 nariz relata de forma sucinta e maravilhosa:
A categoria é: ajuda que tá calor demais. Mais um perfume para transportar para a beira do mar, falar de brisa fresca no rosto. Enquanto Céline Ellena quis reproduzir o cheiro do sal que fica na pele quando a água do mar seca, no seu Sel de Vetiver, James Heeley fala de sal usando cítricos e um buquê de ervas. O cítrico é num caminho mais limão, com malva cheirosa, dill, tomilho, tudo bem equilibrado, quase não dá para distinguir.
O efeito é salgado numa direção iodo, cheiro do mar e das suas coisas. Lembra marisco, ostra com limão, e a minha cabeça de quem está com fome pensa em comida japonesa, shoyu, alga, aji-no-moto. É simples e gostoso, refresca sem partir para o óbvio. A duração não é enorme, melhor borrifar na roupa.
Eu não conheço a linha inteira da marca mas até onde fui, tudo é cheio de classe e elegante. E para obcecados por exclusividade, bem pouco conhecido. http://1nariz.com.br
Começa com casca de limão e sal marinho, tão brilhante como a luz do sol e tão animada como uma brisa costeira. Durante a primeira hora ou mais, é um mergulho revitalizante em uma baía isolada e sem um turista.Parece que a água do mar está batendo em torno da minha pele iluminada pelo sol.
Após cerca de uma hora, um vetiver limpo flui e o humor muda. Nós nos movemos para a sombra sob o calçadão. As algas se apegam aos enormes pilares de madeira que são repetidamente embebidos em água salgada. As algas verdes e mofadas são espalhadas pela praia que está espalhada com seixos cobertos de musgo. Tudo está incrustado com sal marinho.
Muitas notas de sal colocam meus dentes na borda, mas isso não acontece ao usar Sel Marin.
Há um toque de algo que poderia ser o período de ozônio perturbador do iodo. Que nem sempre é agradável a parte posterior da vida marinha deixada pela maré. Isso apenas contribui para o realismo e não é forte na minha pele.
Sel Marin é seco sem nenhum sinal de creme de coco infundido. Não é o aroma de um resort tropical ou mesmo uma ilha deserta como Cocobello de Heeley. É uma costa escarpada em climas temperados, com céus que se escondem regularmente e água do mar que é turvo e salgado, não turquesa e cristalino.
Sel Marin definitivamente me conquistou por isso leva 5 pergaminhos.
TOP 6 SUMMER FOR BRAZIL by Menestrel 2nd Sel Marin by James Heeley "MY SEA ODOR"

With every trip I make, I always reserve a few hours or days to study. On one occasion I was on vacation in New York and learned that Kilian Hennessy (grandson of the cognac founder and one of today's leading perfumers) would be in Boston. I was able to talk to him personally, I won several perfumes and I learned that besides creating a good fragrance, the secret is in product administration and marketing. I have also attended bottle and advertisement exhibitions in Montreal, fell in love with the Guerlain Spa in Paris and made several perfumery tours out there. Spending an afternoon at Jovoy in Paris, Les Senteurs in London, MiN New York Apothecary in NYC or even LuckyScent in Los Angeles ... is a huge accomplishment.

Sel Marin is in a class of its own, a fragrance of soft, salty and transparent natural air that truly evokes the freedom that your imitation perfumes can only dream of.
Sel Marin perfectly captures an early summer day in a quiet cove, a place away from all the smells and distractions of fruity tropical oil, when the only thing to focus on is the refreshing water, the soft sand and the salty sea air . A fleeting note of lemon opens this scent only to be overtaken by a gentle wind that brings tips from the woods that rise above the cliffs of the sea. Cedar and birch roads dry in the blazing sun as vetiver and algae mix the land and the ocean. Effortless and relaxing, Sel Marin is the perfect cure for a rainy day and a natural addition to a day spent walking on the sand.
DENIS PAGANI on his website 1 nose reports succinctly and marvelously:
The category is: help that is too hot. Another scent to transport to the edge of the sea, talk of fresh breeze on the face. While Céline Ellena wanted to reproduce the scent of salt on the skin when sea water dries in her Sel de Vetiver, James Heeley talks about salt using citrus and a bouquet of herbs. The citrus is on a lighter path, with mallow scented, dill, thyme, well balanced, almost can not distinguish.
The effect is salty in an iodine direction, the smell of the sea and its things. It reminds me of shellfish, oysters with lemon, and my head of those who are hungry thinks of Japanese food, shoyu, seaweed, aji-no-moto. It's simple and yummy, refreshes without leaving for the obvious. The duration is not huge, better to spray on clothing.
I do not know the entire brand line but as far as I went, everything is classy and elegant. And for obsessed with exclusivity, little known. http://1nariz.com.br
I think Sel Marin is probably the best-known fragrance of Heeley. A sophisticated oceanic scent containing notes of lemon, bergamot, beech leaf, sea salt, seaweed, moss, seaweed, vetiver, musk, leather and cedar.
It starts with lemon peel and sea salt, as bright as the sunlight and as lively as a coastal breeze. For the first hour or so it is a revitalizing dive in a secluded bay and without a tourist. It seems that sea water is pounding around my sunlit skin.
After about an hour, a clean vetiver flows and the mood changes. We moved into the shade under the boardwalk. The algae cling to the huge wooden pillars that are repeatedly soaked in salt water. The green and moldy algae are scattered along the beach that is strewn with mossy pebbles. Everything is encrusted with sea salt.
Many salt notes put my teeth on the edge, but that does not happen when using Sel Marin.
There is a touch of something that could be the iodine disturbing ozone period. That is not always pleasant the back of marine life left by the tide. This just adds to the realism and is not strong on my skin.
Sel Marin is dry with no sign of infused coconut cream. It is not the scent of a tropical resort or even a deserted island like Cocobello de Heeley. It is a steep coast in temperate climates, with skies that hide regularly and sea water that is cloudy and salty, not turquoise and crystalline.
Sel Marin definitely conquered me so it takes 5 scrolls.

With every trip I make, I always reserve a few hours or days to study. On one occasion I was on vacation in New York and learned that Kilian Hennessy (grandson of the cognac founder and one of today's leading perfumers) would be in Boston. I was able to talk to him personally, I won several perfumes and I learned that besides creating a good fragrance, the secret is in product administration and marketing. I have also attended bottle and advertisement exhibitions in Montreal, fell in love with the Guerlain Spa in Paris and made several perfumery tours out there. Spending an afternoon at Jovoy in Paris, Les Senteurs in London, MiN New York Apothecary in NYC or even LuckyScent in Los Angeles ... is a huge accomplishment.

Sel Marin is in a class of its own, a fragrance of soft, salty and transparent natural air that truly evokes the freedom that your imitation perfumes can only dream of.
Sel Marin perfectly captures an early summer day in a quiet cove, a place away from all the smells and distractions of fruity tropical oil, when the only thing to focus on is the refreshing water, the soft sand and the salty sea air . A fleeting note of lemon opens this scent only to be overtaken by a gentle wind that brings tips from the woods that rise above the cliffs of the sea. Cedar and birch roads dry in the blazing sun as vetiver and algae mix the land and the ocean. Effortless and relaxing, Sel Marin is the perfect cure for a rainy day and a natural addition to a day spent walking on the sand.
DENIS PAGANI on his website 1 nose reports succinctly and marvelously:
The category is: help that is too hot. Another scent to transport to the edge of the sea, talk of fresh breeze on the face. While Céline Ellena wanted to reproduce the scent of salt on the skin when sea water dries in her Sel de Vetiver, James Heeley talks about salt using citrus and a bouquet of herbs. The citrus is on a lighter path, with mallow scented, dill, thyme, well balanced, almost can not distinguish.
The effect is salty in an iodine direction, the smell of the sea and its things. It reminds me of shellfish, oysters with lemon, and my head of those who are hungry thinks of Japanese food, shoyu, seaweed, aji-no-moto. It's simple and yummy, refreshes without leaving for the obvious. The duration is not huge, better to spray on clothing.
I do not know the entire brand line but as far as I went, everything is classy and elegant. And for obsessed with exclusivity, little known. http://1nariz.com.br
I think Sel Marin is probably the best-known fragrance of Heeley. A sophisticated oceanic scent containing notes of lemon, bergamot, beech leaf, sea salt, seaweed, moss, seaweed, vetiver, musk, leather and cedar.
It starts with lemon peel and sea salt, as bright as the sunlight and as lively as a coastal breeze. For the first hour or so it is a revitalizing dive in a secluded bay and without a tourist. It seems that sea water is pounding around my sunlit skin.
After about an hour, a clean vetiver flows and the mood changes. We moved into the shade under the boardwalk. The algae cling to the huge wooden pillars that are repeatedly soaked in salt water. The green and moldy algae are scattered along the beach that is strewn with mossy pebbles. Everything is encrusted with sea salt.
Many salt notes put my teeth on the edge, but that does not happen when using Sel Marin.
There is a touch of something that could be the iodine disturbing ozone period. That is not always pleasant the back of marine life left by the tide. This just adds to the realism and is not strong on my skin.
Sel Marin is dry with no sign of infused coconut cream. It is not the scent of a tropical resort or even a deserted island like Cocobello de Heeley. It is a steep coast in temperate climates, with skies that hide regularly and sea water that is cloudy and salty, not turquoise and crystalline.
Sel Marin definitely conquered me so it takes 5 scrolls.
Olá, você já fez resenha do Cardinal?
ResponderExcluirEsse ainda não, mas em breve sai perfumes dessa casa abraço.