SÉRIE CONFISSÕES DE UM BARDO NO JARDIM :" Verdes frescos florais e cítricos família olfativa preferida "4º Jardin du Poete de Eau D`Italie "APRESENTO-VOS MEU JARDIM"

A inspiração para esta fragrância vem de uma história antiga, quando os estados eram governados por poetas, e os poetas eram sagrados para Apollo. Naquela época, a Sicília era uma colônia grega e Siracusa uma corte perfumada, cujos jardins estavam cheios de aromas de laranjais e jardins aromáticos. Assim é o "Jardin du Poete", o jardim do poeta,o meu jardim! um Eau de Toilette radiante que celebra a Sicília em todos os seus aspectos mais perfumados.

As notas listadas no Jardin du Poète incluem laranja amarga, grapefruit, manjericão, angélica, imortelle , pimenta rosa, cipreste, vetiver e almíscar. O desenvolvimento do Jardin du Poète prossegue a partir de um suco de toranja um suco de toranja que se abre , não mofado,mas a imortelle misturada com alguns "verdes" e angélica cristalizada no meio do desenvolvimento e termina com o vetiver mais leve misturado com um cipreste fraco. Às vezes, durante o desabafado do Jardin du Poète, detecto um aroma "vegetal" que me lembra pimentões e folhas de tomate. No final, o Jardin du Poète cheira a um cocktail sedoso, naturalmente doce (não alcoólico) - suculento, espumante e legal no primeiro sorvo, mas com um sabor "áspero" herbal.
O Jardin du Poète é delicioso, mas certamente não é "deliciosamente original". (Não é L'Artisan Timbuktu ou Dzongkha ,acho mais perfumes que ele, para citar apenas duas das criações mais peculiares de Duchaufour fora da linha Eau d'Italie). Dado muitos de seus 'Eau de Cologne As notas, o Jardin du Poète poderia ter sido facilmente uma fragrância simples e antiquada - o tipo de perfume que associaria com monges e mosteiros italianos através de inúmeras linhas de nicho italianas -, mas o frescor ousado do Jardin du Poète, suas "ervas" realistas, Sua radiação e tenacidade, fazem com que chegue "intransigentemente contemporâneo". Se meu armário de perfume ainda não transbordasse tantas colonias de verão, eu teria umas dez garrafas de o Jardin du Poète.
O Jardin du Poète tem um poder duradouro e um sillage média. Na minha pele, a nota mais duradoura é a imortelle. Eu amo o Immortelle quando é misturadA com habilidade em uma fragrância, mas muitas pessoas que conheço consideram esta nota "obsoleta", então seu prazer em Jardin du Poète pode depender de seu amor ou desagrado por Immortelle.

Bertrand Duchaufour
Duchaufour escolhe começar o nosso passeio no jardim perto do bosque de citricos,nas fontes das águas aonde aonde predominam a toranja e a laranja amarga nos estágios iniciais. Eles são acompanhados por uma nota de manjericão fortemente herbácea que na minha pele se transforma em uma folha de tomate adstringente, embora isso não esteja listado como uma nota. A sensação vegetal em contraste com os citricos faz Jardin du Poete perto de se sentir como a realidade trazida a uma vida perfumada em Sienne L'Hiver.Um outro perfume vem a mente Creed Royal Water por conta do manjericão com pontas tão herbais.

Jardin du Poete tem longevidade média e sillage médio.

The inspiration for this fragrance comes from an ancient history, when states were ruled by poets, and poets were sacred to Apollo. At that time, Sicily was a Greek colony and Syracuse a fragrant court, whose gardens were full of scents of orange groves and aromatic gardens. Such is the "Jardin du Poete", the garden of the poet, my garden! a radiant Eau de Toilette that celebrates Sicily in all its most perfumed aspects.
The notes listed on the Jardin du Poète include bitter orange, grapefruit, basil, angelica, imortelle, pink pepper, cypress, vetiver and musk. The development of the Jardin du Poète proceeds from a grapefruit juice a grapefruit juice that opens, not moldy, but the imortelle mixed with some "green" and angelica crystallized in the middle of development and ends with the lighter vetiver mixed with a weak cypress. Sometimes, during the pouring of the Jardin du Poète, I detect a "vegetable" aroma that reminds me of chilies and tomato leaves. In the end, the Jardin du Poète smells like a silky, naturally sweet (non-alcoholic) cocktail - juicy, sparkling and cool in the first sip, but with a "rough" herbal flavor.
The Jardin du Poète is delicious, but certainly not "deliciously original". (It is not L'Artisan Timbuktu or Dzongkha, I find more perfumes than him, to name but two of Duchaufour's most peculiar creations outside the Eau d'Italie line). Given many of its' Eau de Cologne notes, the Jardin du Poète could easily have been a simple and old-fashioned fragrance - the kind of perfume it would associate with Italian monks and monasteries through innumerable Italian niche lines - but the bold freshness of the Jardin du Poète, its realistic "herbs", Its radiation and tenacity, make it arrive "intransigently contemporary". If my perfume cabinet had not yet overflowed with so many summer colonies, I would have had about ten bottles of the Jardin du Poète.

The Jardin du Poète has a lasting power and an average sillage. On my skin, the most lasting note is the imortelle. I love Immortelle when it is mixed with skill in a fragrance, but many people I know consider this note "obsolete", so your pleasure in Jardin du Poète may depend on your love or dislike by Immortelle.

Bertrand Duchaufour
Duchaufour chooses to begin our walk in the garden near the citrus grove, in the fountains of the waters where predominates the grapefruit and the bitter orange in the initial stages. They are accompanied by a note of heavily herbaceous basil which in my skin turns into an astringent tomato leaf, although this is not listed as a note. The vegetable feel in contrast to the citrus makes Jardin du Poete close to feel like the reality brought to a fragrant life in Sienne L'Hiver. Another perfume comes to mind Creed Royal Water on account of the basil with such herbal tips.

The decisive moment is the moment when Imortelle arises; The syrup quality of this rich flower imortelle is accented with a dash of baie rose to add spicy counterpoint to Immortelle. The use of Immortelle by M Duchaufour is so incredibly light on the Jardin du Poete that it almost makes it look like a different note. Most of the time imortelle is a dominant note, its own tyrant, on the surrounding notes, but in the Jardin du Poete brings a glow to this that rarely experienced in imortelle fragrances. The base is a lightly woody cypress and a vetiver covered over a bed of musk. The cypress, in particular, maintains a light woody touch of the Jardin du Poete at noon.
Jardin du Poete has medium longevity and medium sillage.

The inspiration for this fragrance comes from an ancient history, when states were ruled by poets, and poets were sacred to Apollo. At that time, Sicily was a Greek colony and Syracuse a fragrant court, whose gardens were full of scents of orange groves and aromatic gardens. Such is the "Jardin du Poete", the garden of the poet, my garden! a radiant Eau de Toilette that celebrates Sicily in all its most perfumed aspects.
The notes listed on the Jardin du Poète include bitter orange, grapefruit, basil, angelica, imortelle, pink pepper, cypress, vetiver and musk. The development of the Jardin du Poète proceeds from a grapefruit juice a grapefruit juice that opens, not moldy, but the imortelle mixed with some "green" and angelica crystallized in the middle of development and ends with the lighter vetiver mixed with a weak cypress. Sometimes, during the pouring of the Jardin du Poète, I detect a "vegetable" aroma that reminds me of chilies and tomato leaves. In the end, the Jardin du Poète smells like a silky, naturally sweet (non-alcoholic) cocktail - juicy, sparkling and cool in the first sip, but with a "rough" herbal flavor.
The Jardin du Poète is delicious, but certainly not "deliciously original". (It is not L'Artisan Timbuktu or Dzongkha, I find more perfumes than him, to name but two of Duchaufour's most peculiar creations outside the Eau d'Italie line). Given many of its' Eau de Cologne notes, the Jardin du Poète could easily have been a simple and old-fashioned fragrance - the kind of perfume it would associate with Italian monks and monasteries through innumerable Italian niche lines - but the bold freshness of the Jardin du Poète, its realistic "herbs", Its radiation and tenacity, make it arrive "intransigently contemporary". If my perfume cabinet had not yet overflowed with so many summer colonies, I would have had about ten bottles of the Jardin du Poète.

The Jardin du Poète has a lasting power and an average sillage. On my skin, the most lasting note is the imortelle. I love Immortelle when it is mixed with skill in a fragrance, but many people I know consider this note "obsolete", so your pleasure in Jardin du Poète may depend on your love or dislike by Immortelle.

Bertrand Duchaufour
Duchaufour chooses to begin our walk in the garden near the citrus grove, in the fountains of the waters where predominates the grapefruit and the bitter orange in the initial stages. They are accompanied by a note of heavily herbaceous basil which in my skin turns into an astringent tomato leaf, although this is not listed as a note. The vegetable feel in contrast to the citrus makes Jardin du Poete close to feel like the reality brought to a fragrant life in Sienne L'Hiver. Another perfume comes to mind Creed Royal Water on account of the basil with such herbal tips.

The decisive moment is the moment when Imortelle arises; The syrup quality of this rich flower imortelle is accented with a dash of baie rose to add spicy counterpoint to Immortelle. The use of Immortelle by M Duchaufour is so incredibly light on the Jardin du Poete that it almost makes it look like a different note. Most of the time imortelle is a dominant note, its own tyrant, on the surrounding notes, but in the Jardin du Poete brings a glow to this that rarely experienced in imortelle fragrances. The base is a lightly woody cypress and a vetiver covered over a bed of musk. The cypress, in particular, maintains a light woody touch of the Jardin du Poete at noon.
Jardin du Poete has medium longevity and medium sillage.
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