Série Brigitte Bardot:Top 10 perfumes de nicho para as mulheres:4º Nabucco - Amatys Parfum Fin " REDEMOINHO DE EMOÇÃO"
Nabucco - Amatys Parfum Fin
Amatys Parfum Fin comemora a gentil memória do amor compartilhado entre Amatys e seu marido, o rei Nabucodonosor II. Sereno e sofisticado, esta fragrância gourmand irradia uma presença suave e sensual.
Único e gourmand, sereno e sofisticado, esta fragrância revela notas de baunilha que são gentis, mas viciantes; As principais notas incluem coentro, heliotropo e amêndoa; notas de coração jasmim, baunilha, patchouli e mel; Finalmente, nas notas de base são violetas, madeiras loiras, almíscar e praliné.
Cada frasco de perfume é o trabalho de um artista feito único por suas imperfeições. A partir de um sólido bloco de cristal, cada curva e reta é esculpida e polida por artistas reais, para conseguir uma composição geométrica de um círculo dentro de um quadrado, simples e impressionante. Para adicionar um brilho precioso e quente, as peças de metal são banhadas em ouro de 24 quilates. Finalmente, cada garrafa é cuidadosamente preenchida e embalada à mão, revivendo a arte da perfumaria fina.

fronteiras se dissolvem, a certeza desaparece, e o inconsciente chega à superfície."

Amitis foi uma princesa da Media, e
foi a esposa do rei da Babilônia Nabucodonosor II para quem ele construiu os Jardins
Suspensos da Babilônia.
Esta poção de amor é cozida estritamente de acordo com a prescrição: uma pitada de amêndoas, uma colher de mel branco, um punhado de praliné derretido, um raminho de baunilha e - voila! - acima do caldeirão demoníaco, uma neblina de flores já está subindo. Usar isso é necessário com cuidado: o feitiço é um encantamento.
A leitura abre na minha pele terrivelmente luxuosa e sofisticada. É quase um compromisso, o ritual de aplicação é muito importante aqui. Certamente não é um spritz e pronto. Aplicar Amytis precisa de tempo, respeito e amor pelo que você está fazendo e você é recompensado com o sentimento de ter feito algo especial, de ser parte de ritos mais velhos e não menos importante, cheiro divino.
Mas todas as armadilhas externas de lado, como o suco cheira? Isso é o que é mais importante afinal, e Amytis não decepciona.
Amytis abre com um acorde picante quente, então a amêndoa e o heliotropo fornecem a idéia de uma névoa suave e cinza que recua lentamente para revelar uma baunilha lenhosa linda com dicas de âmbar e bordas florais macias que se arrastam na borda do gourmand, mas nunca caem.
Amytis é um perfume muito caloroso e reconfortante, não feito para o verão, ele precisa do ar fresco e da pele quente para brilhar. É refinado e elegante, nunca superando, mas presente durante todo o dia.
O óleo se sente muito bem na pele, cuidando e como um véu de aquecimento (mais uma razão para evitá-lo no verão, acho que você se sentiria um pouco abafada nas temperaturas quentes).
Caro, difícil de encontrar, ... mas não posso deixar de dizer que é uma obra -prima.
Mas todas as armadilhas externas de lado, como o suco cheira? Isso é o que é mais importante afinal, e Amytis não decepciona.
Amytis abre com um acorde picante quente, então a amêndoa e o heliotropo fornecem a idéia de uma névoa suave e cinza que recua lentamente para revelar uma baunilha lenhosa linda com dicas de âmbar e bordas florais macias que se arrastam na borda do gourmand, mas nunca caem.
Amytis é um perfume muito caloroso e reconfortante, não feito para o verão, ele precisa do ar fresco e da pele quente para brilhar. É refinado e elegante, nunca superando, mas presente durante todo o dia.
O óleo se sente muito bem na pele, cuidando e como um véu de aquecimento (mais uma razão para evitá-lo no verão, acho que você se sentiria um pouco abafada nas temperaturas quentes).
Caro, difícil de encontrar, ... mas não posso deixar de dizer que é uma obra -prima.
The Crystal Flacon
Esculpido à mão e polido à mão, cada flacon é uma obra de arte única, perfeita nas suas imperfeições. Amatys Parfum Fin fica dentro de um vaso amuletico que proporciona sensação de calma e repouso ao líquido de cor de mel dentro. O contraste entre peso, cor, transparência e ouro puro justapose o infinitamente simples com o infinitamente precioso.
Nota: Apesar da sua excelente qualidade, a tampa de rosca do flacon Nabucco infelizmente não pode suportar a pressão e a temperatura na sala de carga durante o transporte em vôos de longa distância. Isso se aplica a ambos, vôos de passageiros, bem como nossas entregas a bordo de vôos de carga para países fora da Europa. Portanto, pedimos que você tenha isso em mente ao fazer o pedido. Nos vôos de longo curso ou internacionais, inclua o transporte do flacon de 60ml com a sua bagagem de mão.
Brigitte Bardot Series: Top 10 niche perfumes for women: 4th Nabucco - Amatys Parfum Fin "EMOTION SWIRL"

Nabucco - Amatys Parfum Fin
Amatys Parfum Fin celebrates the gentle memory of the love shared between Amatys and her husband, King Nebuchadnezzar II. Serene and sophisticated, this gourmand fragrance radiates a gentle and sensual presence.

It is the definition of simplicity condensed with the most precious ingredients.
Unique and gourmand, serene and sophisticated, this fragrance reveals notes of vanilla that are gentle but addictive; The main notes include coriander, heliotrope and almond; notes of heart jasmine, vanilla, patchouli and honey; Finally, the base notes are violets, blond woods, musk and praline.
Each bottle of perfume is the work of an artist made unique by its imperfections. From a solid crystal block, each curve and straight is carved and polished by real artists, to achieve a geometric composition of a circle within a square, simple and impressive. To add a precious and warm glow, the metal pieces are plated in 24-carat gold. Finally, each bottle is carefully filled and wrapped by hand, reliving the art of fine perfumery.

Amatys Parfum Fin is for women ready to reveal their hidden side to the sound of a ballad, played in the heart of a maze that leads to the hidden stone. , this creation exudes serenity and sensuality in a whirlwind of emotion.
boundaries dissolve, certainty disappears, and the unconscious comes to the surface. "
Amitis was a princess of the Media, and
was the wife of the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II to whom he built the Gardens
Suspenders of Babylon.

This love potion is cooked strictly according to the prescription: a pinch of almonds, a spoonful of white honey, a handful of molten praline, a sprig of vanilla and - voila! - above the demonic cauldron, a haze of flowers is already rising. To use this is necessary with care: the spell is an enchantment.

The reading opens on my hideously luxurious and sophisticated skin. It's almost a commitment, the application ritual is very important here. Certainly not a spritz and that's it. Applying Amytis needs time, respect and love for what you are doing and you are rewarded with the feeling of having done something special, of being a part of older rites and not least, divine scent.
But all the external traps aside, how does the juice smell? That's what's most important after all, and Amytis does not disappoint.
Amytis opens with a hot spicy chord, so the almond and heliotrope provide the idea of a soft gray haze that slowly recedes to reveal a beautiful woody vanilla with hints of amber and soft floral edges that creep on the edge of the gourmand but never fall.
Amytis is a very warm and comforting scent, not made for summer, it needs fresh air and warm skin to shine. It is refined and elegant, never surpassing, but present throughout the day.
The oil feels great on the skin, taking care of and like a heating veil (another reason to avoid it in the summer, I think you would feel a little stuffy in the hot temperatures).
Expensive, hard to find, ... but I can not help but say it's a masterpiece.

The Crystal Flacon
Hand-carved and polished by hand, each flacon is a unique work of art, perfect in its imperfections. Amatys Parfum Fin sits inside an amuletic vase that provides a sense of calm and resting to the honey-colored liquid inside. The contrast between weight, color, transparency and pure gold juxtapose the infinitely simple with the infinitely precious.
Note: Despite its excellent quality, the Nabucco flacon screw cap unfortunately can not withstand pressure and temperature in the cargo room during long-haul transport. This applies to both passenger flights as well as our deliveries aboard cargo flights to countries outside Europe. So we ask that you keep this in mind when ordering. On long-haul or international flights, include transporting the 60ml flacon with your carry-on luggage.
Brigitte Bardot Series: Top 10 niche perfumes for women: 4th Nabucco - Amatys Parfum Fin "EMOTION SWIRL"

Nabucco - Amatys Parfum Fin
Amatys Parfum Fin celebrates the gentle memory of the love shared between Amatys and her husband, King Nebuchadnezzar II. Serene and sophisticated, this gourmand fragrance radiates a gentle and sensual presence.

It is the definition of simplicity condensed with the most precious ingredients.
Unique and gourmand, serene and sophisticated, this fragrance reveals notes of vanilla that are gentle but addictive; The main notes include coriander, heliotrope and almond; notes of heart jasmine, vanilla, patchouli and honey; Finally, the base notes are violets, blond woods, musk and praline.
Each bottle of perfume is the work of an artist made unique by its imperfections. From a solid crystal block, each curve and straight is carved and polished by real artists, to achieve a geometric composition of a circle within a square, simple and impressive. To add a precious and warm glow, the metal pieces are plated in 24-carat gold. Finally, each bottle is carefully filled and wrapped by hand, reliving the art of fine perfumery.

Amatys Parfum Fin is for women ready to reveal their hidden side to the sound of a ballad, played in the heart of a maze that leads to the hidden stone. , this creation exudes serenity and sensuality in a whirlwind of emotion.
boundaries dissolve, certainty disappears, and the unconscious comes to the surface. "
Amitis was a princess of the Media, and
was the wife of the king of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II to whom he built the Gardens
Suspenders of Babylon.

This love potion is cooked strictly according to the prescription: a pinch of almonds, a spoonful of white honey, a handful of molten praline, a sprig of vanilla and - voila! - above the demonic cauldron, a haze of flowers is already rising. To use this is necessary with care: the spell is an enchantment.

The reading opens on my hideously luxurious and sophisticated skin. It's almost a commitment, the application ritual is very important here. Certainly not a spritz and that's it. Applying Amytis needs time, respect and love for what you are doing and you are rewarded with the feeling of having done something special, of being a part of older rites and not least, divine scent.
But all the external traps aside, how does the juice smell? That's what's most important after all, and Amytis does not disappoint.
Amytis opens with a hot spicy chord, so the almond and heliotrope provide the idea of a soft gray haze that slowly recedes to reveal a beautiful woody vanilla with hints of amber and soft floral edges that creep on the edge of the gourmand but never fall.
Amytis is a very warm and comforting scent, not made for summer, it needs fresh air and warm skin to shine. It is refined and elegant, never surpassing, but present throughout the day.
The oil feels great on the skin, taking care of and like a heating veil (another reason to avoid it in the summer, I think you would feel a little stuffy in the hot temperatures).
Expensive, hard to find, ... but I can not help but say it's a masterpiece.

The Crystal Flacon
Hand-carved and polished by hand, each flacon is a unique work of art, perfect in its imperfections. Amatys Parfum Fin sits inside an amuletic vase that provides a sense of calm and resting to the honey-colored liquid inside. The contrast between weight, color, transparency and pure gold juxtapose the infinitely simple with the infinitely precious.
Note: Despite its excellent quality, the Nabucco flacon screw cap unfortunately can not withstand pressure and temperature in the cargo room during long-haul transport. This applies to both passenger flights as well as our deliveries aboard cargo flights to countries outside Europe. So we ask that you keep this in mind when ordering. On long-haul or international flights, include transporting the 60ml flacon with your carry-on luggage.
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