Série Brigitte Bardot:Top 10 perfumes de nicho para as mulheres:3º La Belle Helene MDCI Parfums " DE VOLTA AO OLIMPO "
Parfums MDCI (Marchal Design & Créations Indépendantes), uma ideia de Claude Marchal, é uma empresa francesa pequena e muito chique que foi construída sobre a filosofia, que afirma que as fragrâncias finas são uma arte mais do que uma indústria e devem ser uma fonte de prazer, orgulho e beleza mais do que uma simples mercadoria. A MDCI nasceu da admiração pelo período do Renascimento e o desejo de criar equivalentes contemporâneos dos objetos preciosos, já possuídos pelo Medicis e o Rei Sol, e agora mantidos no Louvre, Musei dei Uffizzi e no Salão do Tesouro em Viena.
As fragrâncias são tão requintadas quanto as garrafas que os abrigam. Os cinco perfumes MDCI foram criados por perfumistas de renome como Pierre Bourdon, Francis Kurkdjian e Stéphanie Bakouche. Seguindo sua filosofia de perfume sendo uma arte, a MDCI deu aos perfumistas liberdade absoluta e sem limite de custo. O único requisito era não tentar agradar o maior número possível, não imitar ou seguir as tendências. Apenas os ingredientes da mais alta qualidade foram utilizados na criação, nenhum deles de origem animal. Pierre Bourdon e Stéphanie Bakouche criaram os dois aromas masculinos e Francis Kurkdjian os três aromas femininos na coleção.

Na imaginação dos gregos, o destino do mundo foi decidido diante das muralhas de Tróia. Até os deuses desceram do Olimpo e derramaram seu sangue na tentativa de defender ou arrasar a cidadela do rei Príamo. Como nós fazemos hoje com o nascimento de Cristo, a história humana passou a ser medida em anos antes e depois da Guerra de Tróia. Aquiles, Heitor, Ulisses, Enéias viraram a medida do que é ser um herói, os nomes que toda criança aprendia a admirar e imitar.
Claro, não há a menor garantia de que esses sujeitos tenham existido, muito menos a linda Helena, o sedutor Páris ou o marido traído Menelau. No entanto, cada vez mais fica claro que algo grande realmente aconteceu naquela esquina de história.
Helena era a mulher mais bonita na Grécia e que foi mais conhecida por ser a causa da Guerra de Tróia. Na mitologia grega, Helena de Tróia, também conhecida como Helena de Esparta, era a filha de Zeus e Leda, e era uma irmã de Castor, Pollux, e Clitemnestra. Nos mitos gregos, ela foi considerada a mulher mais bonita do mundo. Pelo casamento, ela era rainha de Laconia, uma província dentro Grécia homérica, a esposa do rei Menelau. Seu rapto por Paris, príncipe de Tróia, provocou a Guerra de Tróia.

Osmanthus é uma das essências florais mais incomuns na paleta do perfumista, apenas uma flor realmente, mas um híbrido de fruta e animal estranhamente atraente, com seu damasco confuso e facetas de couro macio. E para a 10ª fragrância da Parfums MDCI, Bertrand Duchaufour trouxe sua beleza com dois acordos levemente gourmand.
O nome provém da posse francesa clássica Pears Belle-Hélène, inventada no final do século 19 por Auguste Escoffier, o primeiro chefe de celebridades e nomeado após a opereta de Offenbach em 1864, uma paródia risqué sobre o seqüestro de Helen de Troy.
Das peras escalfadas, molho de chocolate, sorvete de baunilha e violetas cristalizadas, o perfumista manteve apenas a pera - uma pera vívida e suculenta, adicionando suas notas verdes, rosadas e almiscaradas ao damasco no topo e no coração, sublinhado por um entusiasmo de tangerina. A vegetação em pó das violetas, outra faceta do osmanthus, é impulsionada pela manteiga pura e equilibrada pelo parceiro clássico, rosa; ylang ylang adiciona contraste e uma rica floricultura. O couro no osmanthus é esticado no coração e ancorado à base por um acordo de alcaçuz doce e lenhoso queimado.
Com a gota de base cítrica, rosa e vetiver, patchouli e musgo de carvalho, La Belle Hélène também é, essencialmente, um chypre - o terceiro na formação da MDCI. Mas é decididamente um chypre não clássico, sedoso, almiscarado, suculento e leve: de fato, como seu homônimo "a bonita Helen", é bastante encantador. E, como o clássico culinário de Escoffier, é quase impossível não morder.
Ao lado de Rojas esse perfume é um belo par.
O extremo luxo e requinte nos detalhes é perceptível,é incomparável.
A MDCI continua a explorar temas de frutas (abacaxi em Le Rivage des Syrtes, pêssego no cardeal Peche) de alta qualidade com esta pera chypre (!!). Esta é uma das fragrâncias raras que cheira exatamente como você adivinharia que cheirava com base em sua descrição, e é maravilhoso.(Curiosamente, esta fragrância não é feita no estilo pós-moderno padrão da Duchaufour - embora eu realmente goste do seu estilo habitual, é bom vê-lo trabalhar em um modo mais clássico aqui.)
Flores frutadas e gourmand - pelo menos até que as notas de base surjam na íntegra, para tomar o cheiro em uma nova direção. Você vê, sob a torta de frutas com flores, uma base chypre clássica de patchouli, musgo e labdanum que é muito mais abstrata e sofisticada do que eu esperava de um floral frutado . Na verdade, à medida que a base de Chypre se aproxima, La Belle Hélène revela-se como um brilho moderno e intensamente frutado em precedentes históricos que retornam - Le Belle Hélène é uma composição inteligente, e se você é suscetível a notas de fruta hiper-realísticas, osmanthus ou chypres frutado, você deve dar um toque a esse aroma.

De todos os ingredientes deliciosos Belle-Hélène, Betrand Duchaufour manteve apenas a pera. Uma pera vívida e suculenta que dá suas notas verdes, rosadas e almisográficas ao damasco no topo e notas de coração. A vegetação em pó das violetas, outra faceta do osmanthus, é impulsionada pela manteiga pura e equilibrada pelo parceiro clássico, rosa. Ylang-ylang adiciona um contraste rico e uma carinho floral. O couro no osmanthus é esticado no coração e ancorado à base por um acordo de alcaçuz doce e lenhoso queimado.
Com a gota de base de citrinos, rosas e vetiver, patchouly e musgo de carvalho, La Belle Hélène também é essencialmente um chypre. Mas é decididamente um chypre não clássico, sedoso, almiscarado, suculento e de coração leve e tão delicioso quanto seu homônimo.
Brigitte Bardot Series: Top 10 niche perfumes for women: 3rd La Belle Helene MDCI Parfums "BACK TO OLIMPO"

Parfums MDCI (Marchal Design & Créations Indépendantes), an idea by Claude Marchal, is a small and very chic French company that was built on philosophy, which states that fine fragrances are an art more than an industry and should be a source of pleasure, pride and beauty more than a mere commodity. The MDCI grew out of admiration for the Renaissance period and the desire to create contemporary equivalents of precious objects already possessed by Medicis and Sun King, and now kept in the Louvre, Musei dei Uffizzi and the Treasury Hall in Vienna.

The fragrances are as exquisite as the bottles that hold them. The five MDCI perfumes were created by renowned perfumers like Pierre Bourdon, Francis Kurkdjian and Stéphanie Bakouche. Following its philosophy of perfume being an art, the MDCI gave the perfumers absolute freedom and without limit of cost. The only requirement was not to try to please as many as possible, not to imitate or follow the trends. Only the highest quality ingredients were used in the breeding, none of them of animal origin. Pierre Bourdon and Stéphanie Bakouche created the two masculine aromas and Francis Kurkdjian the three feminine aromas in the collection.

In the imagination of the Greeks, the fate of the world was decided before the walls of Troy. Even the gods descended from Olympus and shed their blood in an attempt to defend or destroy the citadel of King Priam. As we do today with the birth of Christ, human history came to be measured in years before and after the Trojan War. Achilles, Hector, Ulysses, Aeneas became the measure of what it is to be a hero, the names that every child learned to admire and imitate.
Of course, there is no guarantee that these subjects existed, let alone the beautiful Helen, the seductive Paris or the husband betrayed Menelaus. However, it is increasingly clear that something great actually happened on that corner of history.

In Greek mythology, Helen of Troy, also known as Helen of Sparta, was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and was a sister of Castor, Pollux, and Clytemnestra. In Greek myths, she was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. By marriage, she was queen of Laconia, a province within Homeric Greece, the wife of King Menelaus. His abduction by Paris, Prince of Troy, provoked the Trojan War.


Osmanthus is one of the most unusual flower essences on the palette of the perfumer, just a flower really, but a strangely attractive fruit and animal hybrid with its confusing damask and soft leather facets. And for the 10th MDF Parfums fragrance, Bertrand Duchaufour brought its beauty with two slightly gourmand accords.
The name comes from the French-owned Pears Belle-Hélène, invented in the late 19th century by Auguste Escoffier, the first celebrity chief and named after Offenbach's operetta in 1864, a scathing parody of the kidnapping of Helen de Troy.
From poached pears, chocolate sauce, vanilla ice cream and candied violets, the perfumer kept only the pear - a vivid and juicy pear, adding its green, rosy and musky notes to the apricot on top and heart, underscored by a tangerine enthusiasm . The powdery vegetation of the violets, another facet of the osmanthus, is driven by pure butter and balanced by the classic, pink partner; ylang ylang adds contrast and a rich floriculture. The leather in the osmanthus is stretched in the heart and anchored to the base by a sweet licorice and woody burnt agreement.
With citrus-based drop, rose and vetiver, patchouli and oak moss, La Belle Hélène is also essentially a chypre - the third in the formation of the MDCI. But it is decidedly a chypre not classic, silky, musky, juicy and light: in fact, as its namesake "beautiful Helen", is quite charming. And, like Escoffier's culinary classic, it's almost impossible not to bite.
Along with Rojas this perfume is a beautiful pair.
The extreme luxury and refinement in the details is noticeable, it is incomparable.
MDCI continues to explore high-quality fruit (pineapple in Le Rivage des Syrtes, peach on Cardinal Peche) with this chypre pear (!!). This is one of the rare fragrances that smells just like you would guess it smelled based on your description, and it's wonderful. (Curiously, this fragrance is not made in Duchaufour's standard postmodern style - although I really like his usual style, it's good to see you working in a more classic way here.)

Fruity and gourmand flowers - at least until the base notes emerge in full, to take the scent in a new direction. You see, under the fruit tart with flowers, a classic chypre base of patchouli, moss and labdanum that is far more abstract and sophisticated than I expected from a fruity floral. In fact, as the base of Chypre approaches, La Belle Hélène reveals itself as a modern glow and intensely fruity in historical precedents that return - Le Belle Hélène is a clever composition, and if you are susceptible to hyper fruit notes -realistic, osmanthus or fruity chypres, you should give a touch to that aroma.
Of all the delicious ingredients Belle-Hélène, Betrand Duchaufour kept only the pear. A vivid and juicy pear that gives its green, rosy and musk notes to apricot at the top and heart notes. The powdered vegetation of the violets, another facet of the osmanthus, is driven by pure butter and balanced by the classic, pink partner. Ylang-ylang adds a rich contrast and floral affection. The leather in the osmanthus is stretched in the heart and anchored to the base by a sweet licorice and woody burnt agreement.
With the base drop of citrus, roses and vetiver, patchouly and oak moss, La Belle Hélène is also essentially a chypre. But it is decidedly a chypre not classic, silky, musky, juicy and light-hearted and as delicious as its namesake.
A MDCI continua a explorar temas de frutas (abacaxi em Le Rivage des Syrtes, pêssego no cardeal Peche) de alta qualidade com esta pera chypre (!!). Esta é uma das fragrâncias raras que cheira exatamente como você adivinharia que cheirava com base em sua descrição, e é maravilhoso.(Curiosamente, esta fragrância não é feita no estilo pós-moderno padrão da Duchaufour - embora eu realmente goste do seu estilo habitual, é bom vê-lo trabalhar em um modo mais clássico aqui.)

De todos os ingredientes deliciosos Belle-Hélène, Betrand Duchaufour manteve apenas a pera. Uma pera vívida e suculenta que dá suas notas verdes, rosadas e almisográficas ao damasco no topo e notas de coração. A vegetação em pó das violetas, outra faceta do osmanthus, é impulsionada pela manteiga pura e equilibrada pelo parceiro clássico, rosa. Ylang-ylang adiciona um contraste rico e uma carinho floral. O couro no osmanthus é esticado no coração e ancorado à base por um acordo de alcaçuz doce e lenhoso queimado.
Com a gota de base de citrinos, rosas e vetiver, patchouly e musgo de carvalho, La Belle Hélène também é essencialmente um chypre. Mas é decididamente um chypre não clássico, sedoso, almiscarado, suculento e de coração leve e tão delicioso quanto seu homônimo.
Brigitte Bardot Series: Top 10 niche perfumes for women: 3rd La Belle Helene MDCI Parfums "BACK TO OLIMPO"

Parfums MDCI (Marchal Design & Créations Indépendantes), an idea by Claude Marchal, is a small and very chic French company that was built on philosophy, which states that fine fragrances are an art more than an industry and should be a source of pleasure, pride and beauty more than a mere commodity. The MDCI grew out of admiration for the Renaissance period and the desire to create contemporary equivalents of precious objects already possessed by Medicis and Sun King, and now kept in the Louvre, Musei dei Uffizzi and the Treasury Hall in Vienna.

The fragrances are as exquisite as the bottles that hold them. The five MDCI perfumes were created by renowned perfumers like Pierre Bourdon, Francis Kurkdjian and Stéphanie Bakouche. Following its philosophy of perfume being an art, the MDCI gave the perfumers absolute freedom and without limit of cost. The only requirement was not to try to please as many as possible, not to imitate or follow the trends. Only the highest quality ingredients were used in the breeding, none of them of animal origin. Pierre Bourdon and Stéphanie Bakouche created the two masculine aromas and Francis Kurkdjian the three feminine aromas in the collection.

In the imagination of the Greeks, the fate of the world was decided before the walls of Troy. Even the gods descended from Olympus and shed their blood in an attempt to defend or destroy the citadel of King Priam. As we do today with the birth of Christ, human history came to be measured in years before and after the Trojan War. Achilles, Hector, Ulysses, Aeneas became the measure of what it is to be a hero, the names that every child learned to admire and imitate.
Of course, there is no guarantee that these subjects existed, let alone the beautiful Helen, the seductive Paris or the husband betrayed Menelaus. However, it is increasingly clear that something great actually happened on that corner of history.

In Greek mythology, Helen of Troy, also known as Helen of Sparta, was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and was a sister of Castor, Pollux, and Clytemnestra. In Greek myths, she was considered the most beautiful woman in the world. By marriage, she was queen of Laconia, a province within Homeric Greece, the wife of King Menelaus. His abduction by Paris, Prince of Troy, provoked the Trojan War.


Osmanthus is one of the most unusual flower essences on the palette of the perfumer, just a flower really, but a strangely attractive fruit and animal hybrid with its confusing damask and soft leather facets. And for the 10th MDF Parfums fragrance, Bertrand Duchaufour brought its beauty with two slightly gourmand accords.
The name comes from the French-owned Pears Belle-Hélène, invented in the late 19th century by Auguste Escoffier, the first celebrity chief and named after Offenbach's operetta in 1864, a scathing parody of the kidnapping of Helen de Troy.
From poached pears, chocolate sauce, vanilla ice cream and candied violets, the perfumer kept only the pear - a vivid and juicy pear, adding its green, rosy and musky notes to the apricot on top and heart, underscored by a tangerine enthusiasm . The powdery vegetation of the violets, another facet of the osmanthus, is driven by pure butter and balanced by the classic, pink partner; ylang ylang adds contrast and a rich floriculture. The leather in the osmanthus is stretched in the heart and anchored to the base by a sweet licorice and woody burnt agreement.
With citrus-based drop, rose and vetiver, patchouli and oak moss, La Belle Hélène is also essentially a chypre - the third in the formation of the MDCI. But it is decidedly a chypre not classic, silky, musky, juicy and light: in fact, as its namesake "beautiful Helen", is quite charming. And, like Escoffier's culinary classic, it's almost impossible not to bite.
Along with Rojas this perfume is a beautiful pair.
The extreme luxury and refinement in the details is noticeable, it is incomparable.

Fruity and gourmand flowers - at least until the base notes emerge in full, to take the scent in a new direction. You see, under the fruit tart with flowers, a classic chypre base of patchouli, moss and labdanum that is far more abstract and sophisticated than I expected from a fruity floral. In fact, as the base of Chypre approaches, La Belle Hélène reveals itself as a modern glow and intensely fruity in historical precedents that return - Le Belle Hélène is a clever composition, and if you are susceptible to hyper fruit notes -realistic, osmanthus or fruity chypres, you should give a touch to that aroma.

With the base drop of citrus, roses and vetiver, patchouly and oak moss, La Belle Hélène is also essentially a chypre. But it is decidedly a chypre not classic, silky, musky, juicy and light-hearted and as delicious as its namesake.
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