"Havana, Cuba, por volta de 1961. No advento da maior seca da história cubana, a quantidade de folhas de tabaco colhidas tornou-se cada vez mais escassa. A Reina del Mar, um navio cargueiro que exporta mercadorias para os Estados Unidos continentais, continha apenas uma caixa. dos famosos charutos Cohiba Madurodurante sua viagem inaugural, o melhor e mais refinado medio tiempo de que só a elite e os influentes podiam participar. Era o charuto preferido do El Comandante Castros. O espaço restante no porão de carga estava cheio de engradados. contendo exuberante, fruta tropical. Tragicamente, duas horas para a viagem, o Reina del Mar foi abordado por piratas de Barbados e do navio malfadado foi afundado. até o dia de hoje,a caixa do Maduro nunca foi encontrado. Ninguém sabe se os mil dos 64 charutos mais raros foram saboreados e valeriam um resgate dos Reis hoje. Diz a lenda que está descansando confortavelmente em sono no fundo do mar do Golfo do México. "- uma nota da marca.
O exame é seguido, com razão, por questionamentos, e isso me traz grande satisfação ao abordar a base da ética de um crítico de perfumes. Modelos de comunicação destacam a relação entre o emissor e o receptor. Em termos de perfume, o modelo é de perfumista e revisor / usuário, respectivamente. Este modelo, na sua forma mais simples, introduz uma questão rudimentar, mas que vale a pena: quem cria o significado? À primeira vista, é fácil sugerir que é o perfumista que forma o conceito e o canaliza para o perfume, e ainda com uma retrospecção adequada, é claro que o meu papel não é de todo diminuído à luz disso .
Embora não esteja imediatamente presente, o tabaco é o acorde mais importante desta fragrância. É o resultado de um acúmulo. Dentro do coração e da base da composição, vem uma viscosidade esfumaçada que consegue envolver a fruta e a qualidade do alcaçuz herbáceo e aquecido. Isto é particularmente cortesia com um acorde de mel (âmbar, canela, cera de abelha, baunilha) - texturalmente na mesma página que o alcaçuz, ambos receptivos a tons esfumados.

O valioso tempo dos maduros
Contei meus anos e descobri que terei menos tempo para viver daqui para a frente do que já vivi até agora.
Tenho muito mais passado do que futuro.
Sinto-me como aquele menino que ganhou uma bacia de jabuticabas.
As primeiras, ele chupou displicente, mas percebendo que faltam poucas, rói o caroço.
Já não tenho tempo para lidar com mediocridades.
Não quero estar em reuniões onde desfilam egos inflados.
Inquieto-me com invejosos tentando destruir quem eles admiram, cobiçando seus lugares, talentos e sorte.
Já não tenho tempo para conversas intermináveis, para discutir assuntos inúteis sobre vidas alheias que nem fazem parte da minha.
Já não tenho tempo para administrar melindres de pessoas, que apesar da idade cronológica, são imaturos.
Detesto fazer acareação de desafetos que brigaram pelo majestoso cargo de secretário geral do coral.
As pessoas não debatem conteúdos, apenas os rótulos.
Meu tempo tornou-se escasso para debater rótulos, quero a essência, minha alma tem pressa...
Sem muitas jabuticabas na bacia, quero viver ao lado de gente humana, muito humana, que sabe rir de seus tropeços, não se encanta com triunfos, não se considera eleita antes da hora, não foge de sua mortalidade...
Só há que caminhar perto de coisas e pessoas de verdade.
O essencial faz a vida valer a pena.
E para mim, basta o essencial.
Contei meus anos e descobri que terei menos tempo para viver daqui para a frente do que já vivi até agora.
Tenho muito mais passado do que futuro.
Sinto-me como aquele menino que ganhou uma bacia de jabuticabas.
As primeiras, ele chupou displicente, mas percebendo que faltam poucas, rói o caroço.
Já não tenho tempo para lidar com mediocridades.
Não quero estar em reuniões onde desfilam egos inflados.
Inquieto-me com invejosos tentando destruir quem eles admiram, cobiçando seus lugares, talentos e sorte.
Já não tenho tempo para conversas intermináveis, para discutir assuntos inúteis sobre vidas alheias que nem fazem parte da minha.
Já não tenho tempo para administrar melindres de pessoas, que apesar da idade cronológica, são imaturos.
Detesto fazer acareação de desafetos que brigaram pelo majestoso cargo de secretário geral do coral.
As pessoas não debatem conteúdos, apenas os rótulos.
Meu tempo tornou-se escasso para debater rótulos, quero a essência, minha alma tem pressa...
Sem muitas jabuticabas na bacia, quero viver ao lado de gente humana, muito humana, que sabe rir de seus tropeços, não se encanta com triunfos, não se considera eleita antes da hora, não foge de sua mortalidade...
Só há que caminhar perto de coisas e pessoas de verdade.
O essencial faz a vida valer a pena.
E para mim, basta o essencial.
"Havana, Cuba, around 1961. At the advent of the greatest drought in Cuban history, the amount of tobacco leaves harvested has become increasingly scarce. Reina del Mar, a cargo ship that exports goods to the continental United States , contained only a box of the famous Cohiba Maduro cigars during its maiden voyage, the best and most refined half-time of which only the elite and the influential could participate.It was the favorite cigar of El Comandante Castros.The remaining space in the cargo hold was filled with crates, containing lush, tropical fruit Tragically, two hours into the trip, the Reina del Mar was approached by pirates of Barbados and the ill-fated ship was sunk to this day, Maduro's box was never found. knows that the thousand of the rarest 64 cigars were savored and would be worth a ransom of the Kings today. Legend has it that it is resting comfortably in sleep on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico sea. "

Fort & Manle Maduro is best characterized as a sweet, fruity and woody fragrance, but this is certainly somewhat simplistic, since it has a long list of notes, from which much can be drawn. Tobacco is certainly a dominant chord here, but not so dominant that it is not part of a much more interesting mix, composed mainly of my nose: apple, cinnamon, benzoin, vetiver and cedar. This arrangement of notes is very harmonious. I am able to appreciate the creamy and intoxicating aspects of benzoin and amber without being disturbed by vanilla, and I am able to detect apple and cinnamon without interfering with tobacco, and to land the fragrance is the combination of cedar / vetiver, soft and sober like cedar, but with a slight touch of earth that vetiver provides. I do not detect the patchouli, which is good, as a lot of it can ruin what I like Maduro - that is, the above-mentioned balance. I do not detect basil either. It is mostly a fragrance inclined to cool weather, especially autumn, for which apple and cinnamon conjure up this season, at least in my part of the world. However, the fragrance is comforting enough that it can be worn year-round. Performance is very good, not as robust as Amber Absolutely, but still quite solid - a modest but seemingly long-lasting projection.

There are considerable crucial moments in the writing of perfumes and consideration that it begins to change and shape the way you think about the perfume. A shift towards the most critical is what shaped my blog writing, and to achieve this, a breadth of perspective is required.
The examination is rightly followed by questioning, and this brings me great satisfaction in addressing the ethical basis of a perfume critic. Communication models highlight the relationship between the sender and receiver. In terms of perfume, the model is perfumer and reviewer / user, respectively. This model, in its simplest form, introduces a rudimentary question, but it is worth it: who creates the meaning? At first glance, it is easy to suggest that it is the perfumer who forms the concept and channels it for the perfume, and yet with proper hindsight, it is clear that my role is not at all diminished in the light of it.

My opinion is clear: an extravagant and maximalist takes the woody style through fruits and herbs. Building a lush swirl over a solid tobacco-amber-wood base gives Maduro a top-down quality with an anticipated energy arising from the fresh and radiant tenacity of anisic basil, apple and apple skin, and a pineapple murmur. What is unmissable is the velvety but hot salty of something resembling licorice, combined with a light green ivy foliage. This tension pulls and sustains the focus of the top note for a period of time that is more unusual for a woody, scintillating and fluttering aroma above the rest of the composition, without ever becoming uncomfortable.
Although not immediately present, tobacco is the most important chord of this fragrance. It is the result of an accumulation. Inside the heart and the base of the composition, comes a smoky viscosity that manages to wrap the fruit and the quality of the herbaceous and heated licorice. This is particularly complimentary with a chord of honey (amber, cinnamon, beeswax, vanilla) - texturally on the same page as licorice, both receptive to faded tones.

The valuable time of the mature
I counted my years and found that I will have less time to live from what I have lived so far.
I have much more past than future.
I feel like that boy who won a bowl of jaboticaba.
The first ones, he sucked offhandedly, but realizing that there are few left, it hurts the lump.
I no longer have time to deal with mediocrity.
I do not want to attend meetings where inflated egos show off.
I am troubled by envy trying to destroy what
Fort and Manlé Official Commercial from Fort and Manlé Parfum on Vimeo.
"Havana, Cuba, around 1961. At the advent of the greatest drought in Cuban history, the amount of tobacco leaves harvested has become increasingly scarce. Reina del Mar, a cargo ship that exports goods to the continental United States , contained only a box of the famous Cohiba Maduro cigars during its maiden voyage, the best and most refined half-time of which only the elite and the influential could participate.It was the favorite cigar of El Comandante Castros.The remaining space in the cargo hold was filled with crates, containing lush, tropical fruit Tragically, two hours into the trip, the Reina del Mar was approached by pirates of Barbados and the ill-fated ship was sunk to this day, Maduro's box was never found. knows that the thousand of the rarest 64 cigars were savored and would be worth a ransom of the Kings today. Legend has it that it is resting comfortably in sleep on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico sea. "

Fort & Manle Maduro is best characterized as a sweet, fruity and woody fragrance, but this is certainly somewhat simplistic, since it has a long list of notes, from which much can be drawn. Tobacco is certainly a dominant chord here, but not so dominant that it is not part of a much more interesting mix, composed mainly of my nose: apple, cinnamon, benzoin, vetiver and cedar. This arrangement of notes is very harmonious. I am able to appreciate the creamy and intoxicating aspects of benzoin and amber without being disturbed by vanilla, and I am able to detect apple and cinnamon without interfering with tobacco, and to land the fragrance is the combination of cedar / vetiver, soft and sober like cedar, but with a slight touch of earth that vetiver provides. I do not detect the patchouli, which is good, as a lot of it can ruin what I like Maduro - that is, the above-mentioned balance. I do not detect basil either. It is mostly a fragrance inclined to cool weather, especially autumn, for which apple and cinnamon conjure up this season, at least in my part of the world. However, the fragrance is comforting enough that it can be worn year-round. Performance is very good, not as robust as Amber Absolutely, but still quite solid - a modest but seemingly long-lasting projection.

There are considerable crucial moments in the writing of perfumes and consideration that it begins to change and shape the way you think about the perfume. A shift towards the most critical is what shaped my blog writing, and to achieve this, a breadth of perspective is required.
The examination is rightly followed by questioning, and this brings me great satisfaction in addressing the ethical basis of a perfume critic. Communication models highlight the relationship between the sender and receiver. In terms of perfume, the model is perfumer and reviewer / user, respectively. This model, in its simplest form, introduces a rudimentary question, but it is worth it: who creates the meaning? At first glance, it is easy to suggest that it is the perfumer who forms the concept and channels it for the perfume, and yet with proper hindsight, it is clear that my role is not at all diminished in the light of it.

My opinion is clear: an extravagant and maximalist takes the woody style through fruits and herbs. Building a lush swirl over a solid tobacco-amber-wood base gives Maduro a top-down quality with an anticipated energy arising from the fresh and radiant tenacity of anisic basil, apple and apple skin, and a pineapple murmur. What is unmissable is the velvety but hot salty of something resembling licorice, combined with a light green ivy foliage. This tension pulls and sustains the focus of the top note for a period of time that is more unusual for a woody, scintillating and fluttering aroma above the rest of the composition, without ever becoming uncomfortable.
Although not immediately present, tobacco is the most important chord of this fragrance. It is the result of an accumulation. Inside the heart and the base of the composition, comes a smoky viscosity that manages to wrap the fruit and the quality of the herbaceous and heated licorice. This is particularly complimentary with a chord of honey (amber, cinnamon, beeswax, vanilla) - texturally on the same page as licorice, both receptive to faded tones.

The valuable time of the mature
I counted my years and found that I will have less time to live from what I have lived so far.
I have much more past than future.
I feel like that boy who won a bowl of jaboticaba.
The first ones, he sucked offhandedly, but realizing that there are few left, it hurts the lump.
I no longer have time to deal with mediocrity.
I do not want to attend meetings where inflated egos show off.
I am troubled by envy trying to destroy what
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