SÉRIE REI DO SHOW : A CASA Fort & Manle PERFUME 1º Chapéu Roxo do Sr. Bojnokopff's de Fort & Manle " ABRACADABRA"
Chapéu Roxo do Sr. Bojnokopff's de Fort & Manle
Declarações inefáveis.
Independente do aroma ,casas,seja na perfumaria de massa,ou na perfumaria indie,ou de nicho ,na parede de todo colecionador assíduo ou aficionado,existirá o tempo que o cansaço da estrada do cheiro começa a pesar,e começamos a enxergar as redundâncias,no meio do universo da perfumaria.
Os aromas não mais nos hipnotizam,aquela casa do coração não mais nos empolga,e ficamos em "standy by" aguardando o lançamento de uma nova chegada.Uma chegada abrangente,cheia de criatividade,e que redespertará em você a chama de colecionador.Hoje posso dizer que estou em chamas com a casa Fort& Manle.
Independente do aroma ,casas,seja na perfumaria de massa,ou na perfumaria indie,ou de nicho ,na parede de todo colecionador assíduo ou aficionado,existirá o tempo que o cansaço da estrada do cheiro começa a pesar,e começamos a enxergar as redundâncias,no meio do universo da perfumaria.
Os aromas não mais nos hipnotizam,aquela casa do coração não mais nos empolga,e ficamos em "standy by" aguardando o lançamento de uma nova chegada.Uma chegada abrangente,cheia de criatividade,e que redespertará em você a chama de colecionador.Hoje posso dizer que estou em chamas com a casa Fort& Manle.
Conceito de definição.
O chapéu roxo do Sr. Bojnokopff é o título do meu mais elaborado feito de ilusão, que surpreendeu e encantou os espectadores, em massa em anos passados.
Enchendo minha grande cartola de camurça roxa com a mais fina lavanda francesa, baunilha e salgadinhos de chocolate belga, criando uma pequena explosão, resultando em uma espessa nuvem de fumaça branca.
A fumaça se dissipando, meu ato de desaparecimento começa, com as bocas abertas enquanto meu chapéu é tudo o que resta no palco.
Isto agora foi marcado como pretensioso, banal e “do seu tempo”.
Eu sempre preferi um bom gourmand amadeirado de qualquer maneira!"
Seja em efeito ilusório ou não, Rasei me conquistou e embusteceu o cenario é um só.
Rei do Show.( The Greatest Showman)
Bojnokopff foi um dos seis lançamentos originais e tinha um nome muito mais longo; Chapéu Roxo do Sr. Bojnokopff. A decisão de encurtar o nome funcionou para mim porque fui atraído por Bojnokopff, que o nome mais longo talvez não tivesse alcançado. Bojnokopff era um ilusionista fin de siècle do século XIX em São Petersburgo, na Rússia, que usava seu chapéu roxo como parte de seu ato. O Sr. Fort imagina um chapéu onde a fumaça sai dele depois de colocar alguns ingredientes de perfume dentro dele. ( RASEI)
O perfume

Enchendo minha grande cartola de camurça roxa com a mais fina lavanda francesa, baunilha e um rico chocolate belga, criando uma pequena explosão, resultando em uma espessa nuvem de fumaça branca.
A fumaça se dissipando, meu ato de desaparecimento começa, com as bocas abertas enquanto meu chapéu é tudo o que resta no palco. Isto agora foi marcado como pretensioso, banal e “do seu tempo”. Fort e Manle
Uma fragrância de potência delicada, Purple Hat, de Bojnokopff, envolve Oud sagrado em finas e finas fumaças brancas. Para dar uma grande disposição classicamente ocidental.
A combinação de lavanda francesa e baunilha adiciona um golpe de fougere bem educado à composição, enquanto o rico chocolate belga aprofunda o perfume.
Na fase do chocolate é impossível não pensar em Willy Wonka

Para apoiar o misterioso ponto focal de Oud, Vetiver adiciona uma mancha untuosa, enquanto Guaicwood e Cedarwood dão uma qualidade sombria à fragrância. Fort e Manle
Eu tenho uma pele profunda, sensação de queimação, adstringente, pungente lavanda roxa que suaviza um deleite de chocolate escuro amargo, profundo, ardente e um couro velho, sujo, enegrecido.
Em seguida, elementos escuros e amadeirados, tons resinosos, agarwood (oud) encantam uma madeira guaiac exótica, suja e amadurecida, e uma baunilha sutil leitosa e texturizada.
Eu pego o Lavander, Dark Chocolate, Leather, Baunilha, Agarwood (Oud) e Guaiac Wood, que se abre com uma lavanda com sabão e potente e um chocolate amargo e empoeirado, o lavanda e o chocolate amargo são fortes.
Depois de trinta minutos, o lavanda se dissipa, o chocolate escuro amolece, vem um couro duro, seco e um agarwood escuro mofado (oud), o couro é macio, o agarwood (oud) é suave.

Depois de seis horas o chocolate preto e o couro se dissipam, o oud suaviza, vem uma madeira guaiac defumada e alcatroada, e um vanilal cremoso e doce, a madeira guaiac é suave, a baunilha é macia.
O chapéu roxo do Sr. Bojnokopff é um muito forte, profundo, grosso, ligeiramente calcário, sujeira, nuances picantes e amadeiradas, um toque de pulverulência, unissex fragrância Oriental amadeirada.
Isso seria fantástico no outono e inverno, eu tenho projeção média e boa longevidade, esta é a é uma de minhas preferidas e mais potentes dessa casa, um Gourmand explosivo que dura muito!
5 pergaminhos !!!!!
Fort & Manle Mr. Bojnokopff's Purple Hat
Ineffable statements.
Regardless of the aroma, houses, whether in the mass perfumery, or the indie perfumery, or niche, on the wall of every assiduous or amateur collector, there will be the time that the weariness of the smell road begins to weigh, and we begin to see the redundancies , in the midst of the universe of perfumery.
The aromas no longer hypnotize us, that house of the heart no longer excites us, and we are in "standby by" awaiting the launch of a new arrival. A comprehensive arrival, full of creativity, and that will reawaken in you the flame of collector.Today I can say that I'm on fire with the house Fort & Manle.
Definition concept.
"St. Petersburg, circa 1897
Mr. Bojnokopff's purple hat is the title of my most elaborate illusion, which has astonished and enchanted viewers, en masse in the past.
Filling my great purple suede top with the finest French lavender, vanilla and Belgian chocolate chips, creating a small blast, resulting in a thick cloud of white smoke.
The smoke is dissipating, my act of disappearance begins, with the mouths open while my hat is all that remains on the stage.
This has now been branded as pretentious, banal and "of his time".
I've always preferred a good woody gourmand anyway! "

Whether in illusory effect or not, Rasei conquered me and jeopardized the scenario is one.
King of Show. (The Greatest Showman)
Of humble origin and from childhood dreaming of a magical world, P.T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman) defies social barriers by marrying the father's father's daughter and kicks off the realization of his greatest desire by opening up a kind of museum of curiosities. The venture fails, but he soon envisions a daring exit: producing a great show starring freaks, frauds, bizarre and rejected of all kinds.
Bojnokopff was one of six original releases and had a much longer name; Mr. Bojnokopff's Purple Hat. The decision to shorten the name worked for me because I was drawn to Bojnokopff, which the longer name might not have reached. Bojnokopff was a nineteenth-century fin de siècle illusionist in St. Petersburg, Russia, who wore his purple hat as part of his act. Mr. Fort imagines a hat where the smoke comes out of it after putting some perfume ingredients inside it. (RASEI)
The perfume

The first ingredient in Bojnokopff is lavender. As I tried for the first time, I was expecting a descent toward the typically fougere territory. With a magician's misdirection style, instead of taking a fern out of the hat, a resinous oud appears. The fresh herbaceous nature of lavender over oud was a trick that made me smile. Then a chocolate comes out of the hat. The chocolate is paired with enough vanilla to make this not a bitter dark chocolate, but a rich milk chocolate. This is another good choice, as the creamier version gives contrast to lavender and oud. Cedar and vetiver are the basic agreement for the three lectures to be completed.
Filling my great purple suede top with the finest French lavender, vanilla and a rich Belgian chocolate, creating a small blast, resulting in a thick cloud of white smoke.
The smoke is dissipating, my act of disappearance begins, with the mouths open while my hat is all that remains on the stage. This has now been branded as pretentious, banal and "of his time". Fort and Manle
A delicate power fragrance, Bojnokopff's Purple Hat, surrounds sacred Oud in fine, fine white smoke. To give a great classically western disposition.
The combination of French lavender and vanilla adds a well-mannered fougere scent to the composition, while rich Belgian chocolate deepens the scent.
In the chocolate phase it is impossible not to think about Willy Wonka

To support Oud's mysterious focal point, Vetiver adds a unctuous stain, while Guaicwood and Cedarwood lend a sombre quality to the fragrance. Fort and Manle
I have a deep skin, burning sensation, astringent, pungent purple lavender that softens a bitter, deep, fiery dark chocolate treat and an old, dirty, blackened leather.
Then, dark woody elements, resinous shades, agarwood (oud) enchant an exotic, dirty, ripe guaiac wood, and a subtle milky, textured vanilla.
I pick Lavander, Dark Chocolate, Leather, Vanilla, Agarwood (Oud) and Guaiac Wood, which opens with a lavender soap and potent and a bitter and dusty chocolate, lavender and bitter chocolate are strong.
After thirty minutes, the lavender dissipates, the dark chocolate softens, comes a hard, dry leather and a moldy dark agarwood (oud), the leather is soft, the agarwood (oud) is soft.
After six hours the dark chocolate and the leather dissipate, the oud softens, comes a wood g
Ineffable statements.
Regardless of the aroma, houses, whether in the mass perfumery, or the indie perfumery, or niche, on the wall of every assiduous or amateur collector, there will be the time that the weariness of the smell road begins to weigh, and we begin to see the redundancies , in the midst of the universe of perfumery.
The aromas no longer hypnotize us, that house of the heart no longer excites us, and we are in "standby by" awaiting the launch of a new arrival. A comprehensive arrival, full of creativity, and that will reawaken in you the flame of collector.Today I can say that I'm on fire with the house Fort & Manle.
Definition concept.
"St. Petersburg, circa 1897
Mr. Bojnokopff's purple hat is the title of my most elaborate illusion, which has astonished and enchanted viewers, en masse in the past.
Filling my great purple suede top with the finest French lavender, vanilla and Belgian chocolate chips, creating a small blast, resulting in a thick cloud of white smoke.
The smoke is dissipating, my act of disappearance begins, with the mouths open while my hat is all that remains on the stage.
This has now been branded as pretentious, banal and "of his time".
I've always preferred a good woody gourmand anyway! "

Whether in illusory effect or not, Rasei conquered me and jeopardized the scenario is one.
King of Show. (The Greatest Showman)
Of humble origin and from childhood dreaming of a magical world, P.T. Barnum (Hugh Jackman) defies social barriers by marrying the father's father's daughter and kicks off the realization of his greatest desire by opening up a kind of museum of curiosities. The venture fails, but he soon envisions a daring exit: producing a great show starring freaks, frauds, bizarre and rejected of all kinds.
Bojnokopff was one of six original releases and had a much longer name; Mr. Bojnokopff's Purple Hat. The decision to shorten the name worked for me because I was drawn to Bojnokopff, which the longer name might not have reached. Bojnokopff was a nineteenth-century fin de siècle illusionist in St. Petersburg, Russia, who wore his purple hat as part of his act. Mr. Fort imagines a hat where the smoke comes out of it after putting some perfume ingredients inside it. (RASEI)
The perfume

The first ingredient in Bojnokopff is lavender. As I tried for the first time, I was expecting a descent toward the typically fougere territory. With a magician's misdirection style, instead of taking a fern out of the hat, a resinous oud appears. The fresh herbaceous nature of lavender over oud was a trick that made me smile. Then a chocolate comes out of the hat. The chocolate is paired with enough vanilla to make this not a bitter dark chocolate, but a rich milk chocolate. This is another good choice, as the creamier version gives contrast to lavender and oud. Cedar and vetiver are the basic agreement for the three lectures to be completed.
Filling my great purple suede top with the finest French lavender, vanilla and a rich Belgian chocolate, creating a small blast, resulting in a thick cloud of white smoke.
The smoke is dissipating, my act of disappearance begins, with the mouths open while my hat is all that remains on the stage. This has now been branded as pretentious, banal and "of his time". Fort and Manle
A delicate power fragrance, Bojnokopff's Purple Hat, surrounds sacred Oud in fine, fine white smoke. To give a great classically western disposition.
The combination of French lavender and vanilla adds a well-mannered fougere scent to the composition, while rich Belgian chocolate deepens the scent.
In the chocolate phase it is impossible not to think about Willy Wonka

To support Oud's mysterious focal point, Vetiver adds a unctuous stain, while Guaicwood and Cedarwood lend a sombre quality to the fragrance. Fort and Manle
I have a deep skin, burning sensation, astringent, pungent purple lavender that softens a bitter, deep, fiery dark chocolate treat and an old, dirty, blackened leather.
Then, dark woody elements, resinous shades, agarwood (oud) enchant an exotic, dirty, ripe guaiac wood, and a subtle milky, textured vanilla.
I pick Lavander, Dark Chocolate, Leather, Vanilla, Agarwood (Oud) and Guaiac Wood, which opens with a lavender soap and potent and a bitter and dusty chocolate, lavender and bitter chocolate are strong.
After thirty minutes, the lavender dissipates, the dark chocolate softens, comes a hard, dry leather and a moldy dark agarwood (oud), the leather is soft, the agarwood (oud) is soft.
After six hours the dark chocolate and the leather dissipate, the oud softens, comes a wood g
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