Música de Frédéric Malle por um tempo A eau de parfum é inspirada por uma mulher em uma festa na Rive Gauche de Paris. Esta fragrância combina notas de lavanda, abacaxi e baunilha para um perfume sensual.
Music For A While foi desenvolvido pelo perfumista Carlos Benaïm .Notas adicionais para a fragrância oriental incluem mandarina, âmbar e patchouli.
Para mim é sexy !muito sexy!
Esta lavanda maravilhosa é logo acompanhada por abacaxi suculento cítrico e suculento, com sua acidez doce e deliciosa polpa deliciosa, como se tivesse uma tigela de salada de frutas ao lado de um campo de lavanda sob o céu azul ensolarado. A lavanda logo se torna mais canforada com o tempo, uma qualidade que é reforçada pela faceta semelhante à terra da cânfora do patchouli. Isso também permite uma transição suave da lavanda / frutas na abertura para o patchouli / frutas no dry down. Uma possível desvantagem de aumentar o caráter de cânfora da lavanda é o elo potencial com algo asséptico. Eu mesmo recebo essa associação de vez em quando, mas não forte o suficiente para provocar uma reação negativa de mim.
Quando a lavanda finalmente muda de lugar principal com patchouli após cerca de 4 horas, Music For A While é agora um patchuli frutado caramelizado com uma dose saudável de etil maltol, que é uma reminiscência da combinação de notas e da estrutura de Mugler Angel.Music For A Enquanto é claro que é menos bombástico e não tem a textura pegajosa e o chocolate amargo de Angel, mas eu não ficaria muito surpreso se alguém decidisse fazer uma versão de Angel e a apresentasse como tal. Quanto à baunilha, eu pessoalmente não a detecto como uma nota bem definida, mas provavelmente ajuda a arredondar as bordas da fragrância.
Um sólido perfume da casa.

O abacaxi está lá desde os primeiros momentos. É uma versão muito suculenta quase mais próxima do suco de abacaxi do que da fruta. Há alguns indícios da parte verde da fruta, mas há mais doce que azedo aqui.Nos primeiros minutos eu não estava muito interessada. Então, uma linda lavanda empurra de volta o doce com uma intensidade parecida com fougere. Quando atingem um equilíbrio, é o parceiro que eu nunca soube que queria com abacaxi. Depois de algum tempo, o patchouli começa a segunda parte do desenvolvimento.Este é um patchouli de peso médio que permite que a baunilha forneça um efeito de arredondamento. Faz para um estilo complementar ao acordo de abacaxi e lavanda. Como isso tudo vem junto estas quatro notas de um efeito final inesperadamente quente.
Music For a While Frederic Malle "SEXY ABACAXY"

French niche line Frédéric Malle will release Music For A While, a new fragrance, in March.
Music by Frédéric Malle for a while The eau de parfum is inspired by a woman at a party on the Rive Gauche in Paris. This fragrance combines notes of lavender, pineapple and vanilla for a sensual scent.
Music For A While was developed by perfumer Carlos Benaïm. Additional notes for the oriental fragrance include mandarin, amber and patchouli.

In a party in Paris rive gauche, a woman's fur coat is lifted from her bare shoulders, exposing her neck by candlelight. pause, smiling to herself, before emerging as a conqueror of the shadows.A sensual body of lavender is warmed by patchouli, amber and vanilla, and transformed by notes of pineapple and tangerine.The music is in the details. "Additional notes include lemon and bergamot.
For me it's sexy! Very sexy!
This wonderful lavender is soon accompanied by juicy citrus and juicy pineapple with its sweet acidity and delicious delicious pulp, as if it had a bowl of fruit salad next to a lavender field under the sunny blue sky. Lavender soon becomes more camphorated over time, a quality that is enhanced by the patchouli camphor-like facet. This also allows for a smooth transition of the lavender / fruit into the opening for the patchouli / fruit in the dry down. One possible disadvantage of enhancing the camphor character of lavender is the potential link with something aseptic. I myself receive this association from time to time, but not strong enough to provoke a negative reaction from me.
When the lavender finally changes from main place with patchouli after about 4 hours, Music For A While is now a fruity caramelized patchouli with a healthy dose of ethyl maltol, which is reminiscent of the combination of notes and the structure of Mugler Angel.Music For A While of course it's less bombastic and does not have the sticky texture and bitter chocolate of Angel, but I would not be too surprised if someone decided to make a version of Angel and present it as such. As for the vanilla, I personally do not detect it as a well-defined note, but it probably helps to round the edges of the fragrance.
A solid perfume of the house.

Music For A While is a composition in two movements. The pineapple takes the first, while a sweetened patchouli concludes this. M. Benaim makes some interesting choices along which I was involved in the days I used.
The pineapple has been there since the first moments. It is a very juicy version almost closer to pineapple juice than fruit. There is some evidence of the green part of the fruit, but there are more sweet than sour here. In the first few minutes I was not very interested. Then a beautiful lavender pushes back the sweet with a fougere-like intensity. When they strike a balance, it's the partner I never knew I wanted with pineapple. After some time, the patchouli begins the second part of the development. This is a medium weight patchouli that allows the vanilla to provide a rounding effect. Makes for a style complementary to the arrangement of pineapple and lavender. As this all comes together these four notes of an unexpectedly hot end effect.
Music For a While Frederic Malle "SEXY ABACAXY"

French niche line Frédéric Malle will release Music For A While, a new fragrance, in March.
Music by Frédéric Malle for a while The eau de parfum is inspired by a woman at a party on the Rive Gauche in Paris. This fragrance combines notes of lavender, pineapple and vanilla for a sensual scent.
Music For A While was developed by perfumer Carlos Benaïm. Additional notes for the oriental fragrance include mandarin, amber and patchouli.

In a party in Paris rive gauche, a woman's fur coat is lifted from her bare shoulders, exposing her neck by candlelight. pause, smiling to herself, before emerging as a conqueror of the shadows.A sensual body of lavender is warmed by patchouli, amber and vanilla, and transformed by notes of pineapple and tangerine.The music is in the details. "Additional notes include lemon and bergamot.
For me it's sexy! Very sexy!
This wonderful lavender is soon accompanied by juicy citrus and juicy pineapple with its sweet acidity and delicious delicious pulp, as if it had a bowl of fruit salad next to a lavender field under the sunny blue sky. Lavender soon becomes more camphorated over time, a quality that is enhanced by the patchouli camphor-like facet. This also allows for a smooth transition of the lavender / fruit into the opening for the patchouli / fruit in the dry down. One possible disadvantage of enhancing the camphor character of lavender is the potential link with something aseptic. I myself receive this association from time to time, but not strong enough to provoke a negative reaction from me.
When the lavender finally changes from main place with patchouli after about 4 hours, Music For A While is now a fruity caramelized patchouli with a healthy dose of ethyl maltol, which is reminiscent of the combination of notes and the structure of Mugler Angel.Music For A While of course it's less bombastic and does not have the sticky texture and bitter chocolate of Angel, but I would not be too surprised if someone decided to make a version of Angel and present it as such. As for the vanilla, I personally do not detect it as a well-defined note, but it probably helps to round the edges of the fragrance.
A solid perfume of the house.

Music For A While is a composition in two movements. The pineapple takes the first, while a sweetened patchouli concludes this. M. Benaim makes some interesting choices along which I was involved in the days I used.
The pineapple has been there since the first moments. It is a very juicy version almost closer to pineapple juice than fruit. There is some evidence of the green part of the fruit, but there are more sweet than sour here. In the first few minutes I was not very interested. Then a beautiful lavender pushes back the sweet with a fougere-like intensity. When they strike a balance, it's the partner I never knew I wanted with pineapple. After some time, the patchouli begins the second part of the development. This is a medium weight patchouli that allows the vanilla to provide a rounding effect. Makes for a style complementary to the arrangement of pineapple and lavender. As this all comes together these four notes of an unexpectedly hot end effect.
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