A persuasão da máxima elegância e charme masculino Pardon Nasomato.
Pardon para mim é o melhor Nasomato,embora a obra prima da casa assumo que seja Black Afgano.
Pardon não é tão original,muitos perfumes lembram vagamente ele,como Lidge,e alguns com vibe de chocolate e madeiras.
O que faz esse perfume como um dos melhores da minha coleção é o Oud e as flores.
As flores nesse perfume é surreal dando uma profundidade ímpar e esse é o pulo do gato aqui.
Esse combo de oud ,sandalo,magnólias e chocolate lhe passará a impressão de um jardim de flores coberto de chocolate.
Ao borrifar na minha pele o perdão, como é chamado é realmente evidenciado !Um tom de sociedade educada e gentilidade,toma conta do perfume .Pardon quer persuadi-lo de sua elegância e charme masculino, reverberando e criando uma fragrância ao mesmo tempo sedutora e refinada. Ele abre com um toque de madeira escura, rica, oud e incenso, juntamente com um floral realmente agradável. O floral é mais "rosa" do que o vermelho ao meu nariz, perfeitamente em harmonia com a cópia do anúncio de Nasomatto para Pardon . Ainda - em geral - a sensação geral me fez pensar em Black Orchid de Tom Ford muitas vezes. Não é de admirar que um amante das Orquídeas Negras que conheço tenha se apaixonado por Pardon .
O cenário é marron de um belo terno alinhado,sinto uma explosão contida de fava,chocolate e canela e um toque de flores.
Sua secagem é maravilhosa com sandâlo ,Oud e flores muito profundas,que realmente evoca a imagem solarizada do dândi em seus anúncios,quanta originalidade!
"A potência do chocolate amargo,madeira e flores vem a toda hora no meu nariz,muito romântico,extremamente."

O chocolate é sugestivo,nem pensar em Montale chocolate Greedy.
Pardon por final descansa amadeirado com raspas de chocolate,flores e um sandâlo mais forte quase remetendo a atmosfera clássica.
Na minha pele tem projeção moderada elegante e fixação boa.
Sua evolução também não é gritante ou seja poucas fases,mas não considero linear,forma uma bolha no utente.A imagem do Dandy ,cavalheiro é sempre evidenciada na memória do portador .
"A qualidade e assinatura Nasomatto são únicas,por isso outros perfumes que se pareçam com ele são mero esboço no papel."
A vibe do esforço e trabalho de Gualtiere vem a minha mente também de seu laboratório na Holanda,sinto os componentes bem manipulados,Seminalis que ele fez também, sinto uma fagulha no dna de Pardon.
O veludo é sempre presente,o carinho ,a ternura,são sempre evidenciados.
Não tenho como negar que esse é da minha prateleira de cima.
Eu te peço perdão por te amar de repente
Embora o meu amor
seja uma velha canção nos teus ouvidos
Das horas que passei à sombra dos teus gestos
Bebendo em tua boca o perfume dos sorrisos
Das noites que vivi acalentado
Pela graça indizível
dos teus passos eternamente fugindo
Trago a doçura
dos que aceitam melancolicamente.
E posso te dizer
que o grande afeto que te deixo
Não traz o exaspero das lágrimas
nem a fascinação das promessas
Nem as misteriosas palavras
dos véus da alma...
É um sossego, uma unção,
um transbordamento de carícias
E só te pede que te repouses quieta,
muito quieta
E deixes que as mãos cálidas da noite
encontrem sem fatalidade
o olhar estático da aurora.
Vinicius de MoraesEu te peço perdão por te amar de repente
Embora o meu amor
seja uma velha canção nos teus ouvidos
Das horas que passei à sombra dos teus gestos
Bebendo em tua boca o perfume dos sorrisos
Das noites que vivi acalentado
Pela graça indizível
dos teus passos eternamente fugindo
Trago a doçura
dos que aceitam melancolicamente.
E posso te dizer
que o grande afeto que te deixo
Não traz o exaspero das lágrimas
nem a fascinação das promessas
Nem as misteriosas palavras
dos véus da alma...
É um sossego, uma unção,
um transbordamento de carícias
E só te pede que te repouses quieta,
muito quieta
E deixes que as mãos cálidas da noite
encontrem sem fatalidade
o olhar estático da aurora.
In the pen of the poet the 10 most "7 Pardon Nasomatto" GARDEN OF FLOWERS WITH CHOCOLATE "

The persuasion of maximum elegance and masculine charm Pardon Nasomato.

Pardon for me is the best Nasomato, although the masterpiece of the house I assume is Black Afgano.
Pardon is not so original, many perfumes vaguely resemble it, like Lidge, and some with chocolate vibe and woods.
What makes this perfume one of the best in my collection is the Oud and the flowers.
The flowers in this scent is surreal giving an odd depth and this is the cat's leap here.
This combo of oud, sandalwood, magnolia and chocolate will give you the impression of a chocolate covered flower garden.

As I sprinkled on my skin forgiveness, as it is called, is really evidenced! A polite society tone and gentleness, takes care of the perfume. Pardon wants to persuade you of its elegance and masculine charm, reverberating and creating a fragrance at the same time seductive and refined It opens with a touch of dark, rich wood, oud and incense, along with a really nice floral. The floral is more "pink" than red to my nose, perfectly in keeping with the copy of Nasomatto's ad for Pardon. Still - overall - the overall feel made me think of Tom Ford's Black Orchid many times. No wonder a lover of the Black Orchids I know fell in love with Pardon.

The scenery is marron of a beautiful suit aligned, I feel a contained explosion of fava, chocolate and cinnamon and a touch of flowers.
Its drying is wonderful with sandalwood, Oud and very deep flowers, which really evokes the solarized image of the dandy in his ads, how much originality!

"The power of bitter chocolate, wood and flowers comes all the time in my nose, very romantic, extremely."

Pardon delivers what he promises, I do not think he enters the gourmand environment, the woods and flowers are there evidenced, always brewing the olfactory journey to food.
The chocolate is suggestive, not even think of Montale Greedy chocolate.

Pardon at last rests woody with chocolate shavings, flowers and a stronger sandal almost remitting the classic atmosphere.
On my skin has moderate projection elegant and good fixation.
Its evolution is also not glaring or a few phases, but I do not consider linear, it forms a bubble in the wearer. The image of the Dandy, gentleman is always evidenced in the memory of the wearer.

"The quality and signature Nasomatto are unique, so other perfumes that look like it are mere sketch on paper."
The vibe of Gualtiere's effort and work comes to my mind also from his lab in Holland, I feel the well manipulated components, Seminalis he did too, I feel a spark in Pardon's dna.

The velvet is always present, the affection, the tenderness, are always evidenced.
I can not deny that this is from my top shelf.
I beg your pardon for loving you suddenly.
Although my love
be an old song in your ears
From the hours I spent in the shadow of your gestures
Drinking in your mouth the perfume of smiles
Of the nights that I lived cherished
By unspeakable grace
of your footsteps forever fleeing
I bring the sweetness
of those who accept melancholically.
And I can tell you
that the great affection that I leave you
Do not bring the exasperation of tears
nor the fascination of promises
Nor the mysterious words
of the veils of the soul ...
It is a quiet, an anointing,
an overflow of caresses
And it only asks you to rest quiet,
very quiet
And let the warm hands of the night
find without fate
the static gaze of the dawn.
Vinicius de Moraes
In the pen of the poet the 10 most "7 Pardon Nasomatto" GARDEN OF FLOWERS WITH CHOCOLATE "

The persuasion of maximum elegance and masculine charm Pardon Nasomato.

Pardon for me is the best Nasomato, although the masterpiece of the house I assume is Black Afgano.
Pardon is not so original, many perfumes vaguely resemble it, like Lidge, and some with chocolate vibe and woods.
What makes this perfume one of the best in my collection is the Oud and the flowers.
The flowers in this scent is surreal giving an odd depth and this is the cat's leap here.
This combo of oud, sandalwood, magnolia and chocolate will give you the impression of a chocolate covered flower garden.

As I sprinkled on my skin forgiveness, as it is called, is really evidenced! A polite society tone and gentleness, takes care of the perfume. Pardon wants to persuade you of its elegance and masculine charm, reverberating and creating a fragrance at the same time seductive and refined It opens with a touch of dark, rich wood, oud and incense, along with a really nice floral. The floral is more "pink" than red to my nose, perfectly in keeping with the copy of Nasomatto's ad for Pardon. Still - overall - the overall feel made me think of Tom Ford's Black Orchid many times. No wonder a lover of the Black Orchids I know fell in love with Pardon.

The scenery is marron of a beautiful suit aligned, I feel a contained explosion of fava, chocolate and cinnamon and a touch of flowers.
Its drying is wonderful with sandalwood, Oud and very deep flowers, which really evokes the solarized image of the dandy in his ads, how much originality!

"The power of bitter chocolate, wood and flowers comes all the time in my nose, very romantic, extremely."

Pardon delivers what he promises, I do not think he enters the gourmand environment, the woods and flowers are there evidenced, always brewing the olfactory journey to food.
The chocolate is suggestive, not even think of Montale Greedy chocolate.
Pardon at last rests woody with chocolate shavings, flowers and a stronger sandal almost remitting the classic atmosphere.
On my skin has moderate projection elegant and good fixation.
Its evolution is also not glaring or a few phases, but I do not consider linear, it forms a bubble in the wearer. The image of the Dandy, gentleman is always evidenced in the memory of the wearer.

"The quality and signature Nasomatto are unique, so other perfumes that look like it are mere sketch on paper."
The vibe of Gualtiere's effort and work comes to my mind also from his lab in Holland, I feel the well manipulated components, Seminalis he did too, I feel a spark in Pardon's dna.

The velvet is always present, the affection, the tenderness, are always evidenced.
I can not deny that this is from my top shelf.
I beg your pardon for loving you suddenly.
Although my love
be an old song in your ears
From the hours I spent in the shadow of your gestures
Drinking in your mouth the perfume of smiles
Of the nights that I lived cherished
By unspeakable grace
of your footsteps forever fleeing
I bring the sweetness
of those who accept melancholically.
And I can tell you
that the great affection that I leave you
Do not bring the exasperation of tears
nor the fascination of promises
Nor the mysterious words
of the veils of the soul ...
It is a quiet, an anointing,
an overflow of caresses
And it only asks you to rest quiet,
very quiet
And let the warm hands of the night
find without fate
the static gaze of the dawn.
Vinicius de Moraes
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