Black Gemstone Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777 3º Na pena do poeta os 10 mais " " UMA JORNANDA AO PROFUNDO EXÓTICO."In the pen of the poet the 10 most "3 Black Gemstone Stéphane Humbert Lucas 777" A JOURNEY TO THE EXOTIC DEEP. "

A Pedra Negra de Meca !eles acreditam ter caído diretamente do Céu, e os ingredientes de Black Gemstone são claramente destinados a chegar o mais perto do mundo possível. O limão italiano reluzente apimentado, o rico incenso derivado de Olibanum e os três tipos de cedro escolhidos pela mão desse hábil perfumista são apenas alguns dos componentes preciosos, mas a peça central verdadeira é uma mirra extraordinária, minuciosamente destilada em um alcatrão resinoso que, como é a própria Pedra Negra , O que seria esta pedra negra que está dentro da Caaba?
A “Pedra Negra”, em árabe “al-Hajar Aswad”, é uma pedra escura de cerca de 50 cm de diâmetro. É uma das relíquias mais sagradas do Islamismo e, segundo a tradição muçulmana, remonta ao tempo de Adão e Eva. Segundo a tradição, a pedra foi recebida por Abraão das mãos do Anjo Gabriel.
Ela já era cultuada pelos árabes antes mesmo da criação do Islamismo, onde, segundo relatos folclóricos, era branca e se tornou negra devido aos pecados humanos. A pedra encontra-se em dentro da Caaba, onde não pode ser fotografada.
Sua aparência física é a de uma rocha fragmentada escura, polida pelas mãos de milhões de peregrinos pelos longos séculos de exposição. A tradição islâmica diz que caiu do céu para mostrar a Adão e Eva onde construir um altar. Embora tenha sido muitas vezes descrito como um meteorito, esta hipótese é agora incerta.

Black Gemstone faz parte do rol de perfumes além do exclusivo,o melhor da casa em minha opinião,a estrela ,da prateleira de cima ,seguido de Oud 777.Tudo que vem dessa casa é estranho,excêntrico e sempre diferente.Uma casa de nicho que precisa de narizes experientes para entender a proposta de Stephane!Abre na minha pele com uma explosão de aromas escuros ,resinas,e um limão semi luminoso tecendo o pano de fundo,como o sol em meio as trevas.O mel logo da as caras,com esse tom esfumaçado do Olibano,e a madeira de Teca sobressaindo....o tempo passa e a fava e a mirra aparecem como um culto na escuridão em meio ao sol súbito que saira.
A força aumenta!ficando cada vez mais amadeirado semi adocicado,e glorioso.Deixando um rastro de imponência e culto exótico sagrado semi amargo no utente,de uma maneira ímpar isso está além das minhas fracas palavras.

The Black Stone of Mecca! They believe they have fallen directly from Heaven, and the ingredients of Black Gemstone are clearly meant to get as close to the world as possible. The sparkling Italian lime, the rich incense derived from Olibanum, and the three types of cedar chosen by the hand of this skillful perfumer are but a few of the precious components, but the true centerpiece is an extraordinary myrrh, meticulously distilled into a resinous tar which, like is the Black Stone itself, What would be this black stone that is inside the Kaaba?
The "Black Stone", in Arabic "al-Hajar Aswad", is a dark stone about 50 cm in diameter. It is one of the most sacred relics of Islam and, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. According to tradition, the stone was received by Abraham from the hands of the Angel Gabriel.

It was already worshiped by the Arabs even before the creation of Islam, where, according to folk tales, it was white and became black because of human sins. The stone lies in the Caaba, where it can not be photographed.
Its physical appearance is that of a fragmented dark rock, polished by the hands of millions of pilgrims for the long centuries of exposure. Islamic tradition says it fell from the sky to show Adam and Eve where to build an altar. Although it has often been described as a meteorite, this hypothesis is now uncertain.

Black Gemstone is part of the list of perfumes in addition to the exclusive, the best of the house in my opinion, the star, from the top shelf, followed by Oud 777.Everything that comes from this house is strange, eccentric and always different.A niche house who needs experienced noses to understand Stephane's proposal! It opens on my skin with an explosion of dark scents, resins, and a semi-luminous lemon weaving the backdrop, like the sun in the midst of the darkness. , with that smoky tone of the Olibano, and the Teak wood protruding .... time passes and the fava and myrrh appear as a cult in the darkness amid the sudden sun that has gone out.
The force increases, becoming more and more woody semi sweet, and glorious. Leaving a trace of imposture and exotic sacred worship semi bitter in the wearer, in an odd way this is beyond my weak words.

The Black Stone of Mecca! They believe they have fallen directly from Heaven, and the ingredients of Black Gemstone are clearly meant to get as close to the world as possible. The sparkling Italian lime, the rich incense derived from Olibanum, and the three types of cedar chosen by the hand of this skillful perfumer are but a few of the precious components, but the true centerpiece is an extraordinary myrrh, meticulously distilled into a resinous tar which, like is the Black Stone itself, What would be this black stone that is inside the Kaaba?
The "Black Stone", in Arabic "al-Hajar Aswad", is a dark stone about 50 cm in diameter. It is one of the most sacred relics of Islam and, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. According to tradition, the stone was received by Abraham from the hands of the Angel Gabriel.

It was already worshiped by the Arabs even before the creation of Islam, where, according to folk tales, it was white and became black because of human sins. The stone lies in the Caaba, where it can not be photographed.
Its physical appearance is that of a fragmented dark rock, polished by the hands of millions of pilgrims for the long centuries of exposure. Islamic tradition says it fell from the sky to show Adam and Eve where to build an altar. Although it has often been described as a meteorite, this hypothesis is now uncertain.
Black Gemstone is part of the list of perfumes in addition to the exclusive, the best of the house in my opinion, the star, from the top shelf, followed by Oud 777.Everything that comes from this house is strange, eccentric and always different.A niche house who needs experienced noses to understand Stephane's proposal! It opens on my skin with an explosion of dark scents, resins, and a semi-luminous lemon weaving the backdrop, like the sun in the midst of the darkness. , with that smoky tone of the Olibano, and the Teak wood protruding .... time passes and the fava and myrrh appear as a cult in the darkness amid the sudden sun that has gone out.
The force increases, becoming more and more woody semi sweet, and glorious. Leaving a trace of imposture and exotic sacred worship semi bitter in the wearer, in an odd way this is beyond my weak words.
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