O mundo das fragrâncias estão lotado delas.
Uma verdadeira constelação de estrelas,cada qual com seu brilho que iluminam pessoas especiais como você.
Boadicea é uma casa que tem posicionamento de mercado alto luxo ,mas pelo grande volume de criações dentro da casa,tem jogadores que realmente só se paga pelo frasco.
Mas aqui o caso é inverso viu príncipes ,a proposta encapsula a visão do pai fundador dos Emirados Árabes Unidos, o novo Zayed 2018 comemora e celebra suas muitas conquistas. Tão dinâmico quanto o Sheik e os próprios Emirados Árabes Unidos, o perfume confere ao usuário um senso distinto de prestígio e poder pacífico.
Ridículo,tão autoritário e distinto; a sua abertura abre na minha pele com o Oud do camboja de mãos dadas com um couro liso,a vibe desafiadora é respaldada pela rosa e violeta,em um núcleo sem fim!A rosa turca com nuances arabescas retoma em uma espiral de camboja e âmbar ,semifiltrando facetas de sândalo e musgo em uma cama de açafrão.
Nesse momento Dubai e Burj Al Arab vem na sua frente ,ronco de motores,Bugattis,Lamborghinis,o espírito da União, o espirito de Dubai é entrelaçado ao mundo icónico dos Sheiks.A paleta do perfumista tem uma precisão altíssima.
A qualidade dos ingredientes é estelar!seu desempenho buscará alguém do outro lado da sala.
A apresentação é de grande garbo ,espere apenas o melhor,espere a melhor das estrelas.
English version
The world of fragrances is full of them.
A true constellation of stars, each with its brightness that illuminates special people like you.
Boadicea is a house that has high luxury market positioning, but for the large volume of creations inside the house, there are players that really only pay for the bottle.
But here the case is reverse saw princes, the proposal encapsulates the vision of the founding father of the UAE, the new Zayed 2018 celebrates and celebrates his many achievements. As dynamic as Sheik and the United Arab Emirates themselves, the perfume gives the wearer a distinct sense of prestige and peaceful power.
Ridiculous, so authoritarian and distinguished; its opening opens on my skin with the Cambodian Oud hand in hand with a smooth leather, the challenging vibe is backed by pink and violet in an endless core! The turkish rose with arabesque nuances picks up in a spiral of cambodia and amber , semifiltrating veneers of sandalwood and moss on a bed of saffron.
At that moment Dubai and Burj Al Arab come in front of you, engine roar, Bugattis, Lamborghinis, the spirit of the Union, the spirit of Dubai is intertwined with the iconic world of Sheiks.The perfumer palette has a very high precision.
The quality of the ingredients is stellar! Your performance will seek someone from across the room.
The presentation is great, expect only the best, expect the best of stars.
A true constellation of stars, each with its brightness that illuminates special people like you.
Boadicea is a house that has high luxury market positioning, but for the large volume of creations inside the house, there are players that really only pay for the bottle.
But here the case is reverse saw princes, the proposal encapsulates the vision of the founding father of the UAE, the new Zayed 2018 celebrates and celebrates his many achievements. As dynamic as Sheik and the United Arab Emirates themselves, the perfume gives the wearer a distinct sense of prestige and peaceful power.
Ridiculous, so authoritarian and distinguished; its opening opens on my skin with the Cambodian Oud hand in hand with a smooth leather, the challenging vibe is backed by pink and violet in an endless core! The turkish rose with arabesque nuances picks up in a spiral of cambodia and amber , semifiltrating veneers of sandalwood and moss on a bed of saffron.
At that moment Dubai and Burj Al Arab come in front of you, engine roar, Bugattis, Lamborghinis, the spirit of the Union, the spirit of Dubai is intertwined with the iconic world of Sheiks.The perfumer palette has a very high precision.
The quality of the ingredients is stellar! Your performance will seek someone from across the room.
The presentation is great, expect only the best, expect the best of stars.
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